Saturday, March 14, 2009

It's been a long time baby!!!

Sometimes, I come and look back on my blog and wish I had more time to do the things I used to do before I worked full time. Sometimes, I have the time to sit and write in my blog but don't do it because I don't feel like it. Sometimes, I just sit and DO IT... like now! LOL!

Things have been going at Mach 3 around here with Dylan's hockey career. He's been listed as a protected player in the WHL by the Kamloops Blazers and he's pretty thrilled with it all. We all are very proud of him, he's been working hard to get there and he deserves everything he has coming to him. He's in the middle of semi finals in the Major Midget league and we're waiting for game updates. Fingers crossed that they win again tonight and we'll be in the BC Championships...

Everyone else has been plunking along, doing their thing... Donovan and Kirby work, ski, work, wait for the snow to quit falling so they can get their bikes out and catch some air. Donovan is in college this year, and Kirby will be graduating in a few short months... hard to believe how fast time flies sometimes!

Devin and Dakota are busy with school, friends, socializing... Devin applied for a Quebec exchange so we're hoping that she'll be accepted and off to explore Quebec this time next year. Dakota got her chin cut skating with her class yesterday and isn't happy that it hurts! =0)

Blaine has written his last two exams for this 1st Class power engineering ticket. I'm so proud of him... it's been years of studying and patience, but he can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel!

I am enjoying working for BC Housing and all it has to offer. I find it rewarding work and enjoy the office staff who have become like family over the last year and a half!!

There, I did a little update, it didn't kill me and now I'm going to watch hockey on TV to help pass the time waiting for game updates from Dylan's game in Vancouver...

Later! =0)

1 comment:

Allyson said...

Good to see you back on the blog sista!