Monday, February 26, 2007

Home with a sick kid...

Well, I'm surprised it hasn't happened sooner this season, since he's so darned active, but Willy finally had gotten the bug that is going around. He woke up with a fever this morning, freaked me out as it was so high, so I stayed home from work to keep an eye on him. He missed his first travel team lacrosse practice tonight and I'll be keeping him home from 6am hockey and school tomorrow as well. He's also got a sore throat and is all stuffed up... If his fever is still high in the morning, off we go to the Dr...

The boys had their playoff games against William's Lake this past weekend. The boys won Saturday night 9-2, then finished them off on Sunday morning, 16-0. The poor guys from WL were so defeated... it was disheartening to watch. So good news is, we're off to Provincials...

Dylan has also achieved his fundraising goals for Aboriginal Team BC... he got the last cheque in the mail today from Great Grandpa Moston to put us over the top! Thanks to everyone who contributed to his campaign... we were worried about how it would go, but with donations coming in from as far as New York, USA, we were able to do it! You guys are awesome! :o)

Not much else going on here... the girls had dance today, Donovan is taking a coaching class at the high school and will come out of it with his NCPP(?) so that's exciting. Kirb is plunking along and getting his stuff organized to apply at CNC for his Welder/Fitter course.

That's been my day... hope tomorrow's better! Night! :O)

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

A day at the Dentist...

Poor Donovan... experiencing the ups and downs of being a teenager this week... the high of getting his driver's license and the low of getting stuck with a mouth full of metal!!

Here are some highlights of his day at the dentist...

The before picture:

Tools of the trade:

That's going in my mouth???

After two hours in the chair... Am I done yet?

What a big brave boy ~:o)

Have a good night...

Friday, February 16, 2007

A taste of Freedom!!!

Donovan passed his driver's test today and is now the proud owner of a "N" driving license... I don't know who's more excited? Him or us! LOL! Congratulations bud!

Here's a couple of pictures of him leaving for work tonight... his first solo flight!

And time just keeps marching on...

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentines' Day & Happy Anniversary Mom & Dad!

Well, I'll never forget my parent's anniversary... how could you on the most romantic day of the year?

37 years and still going strong!

Happy Valentine's Day to everyone else... Blaine and I went for dinner, no where romantic, but where we both enjoy the food and the big screen TV's to watch the hockey games! LOL! Not everyone's idea of an ideal evening, but I love it!

The kids had dentist appointments in Quesnel this afternoon. Left here by 1:30pm and were back by 5pm, so that's not too bad. Dakota and Willy had small fillings done, and Donovan got his spacers in for his "braces" appointment next week... It's going to be weird having a brace face in the family! LOL!

Anyhow, I'm off to watch Friday Night Lights... can't get enough of this show! Till next time...


848 kilomtres to go!!!

So far, we've raised $452 in pledges for Dylan... WOOHOO! WTG friends and family! We're waiting to hear back from a couple of corporate sponsors, and we'll keep counting down the kilometres... Everyone has been so awesome and generous! I'll keep ya posted!

Friday, February 09, 2007

En Route to Prince Albert, Saskatchewan...

As a member of Aboriginal Team BC, Dylan and the team will be fundraising part of their fees through the fundraising program, En Route. This opportunity is for Aboriginal athletes selected to represent British Columbia at the National Aboriginal Hockey Championships, in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, April 29 to May 5, 2007.

Dylan's one way trip from Vancouver, BC to Prince Albert, is approximately 1300 kms. For as little as $1 per kilometre, you can support Dylan's journey to excellence! Team members are encouraged to raise pledges from their families, friends, community members and local businesses in our area. Supporters can pledge portions of the total distance.

En Route is an excellent opportunity for members of Aboriginal Team BC to again express their dedication to their sport, to their own experience and to encourage the members of their community to take pride and support in their accomplishment.

Please join us in this opportunity. We thank you for your time and consideration...

Monday, February 05, 2007

More hockey congratulations!!!

W*T*G Willy on making Aboriginal Team BC Under 18 team to compete in Prince Albert, Sask at the end of April, beginning of May! What an honour!

We're proud of you bud! :o)

Friday, February 02, 2007

Thursday, February 01, 2007

And we're off to Salmon Arm...

bright and early in the morning! Keep your fingers crossed for Willy... I'll post an update when we're home!

TTFN! :o)