Monday, February 26, 2007

Home with a sick kid...

Well, I'm surprised it hasn't happened sooner this season, since he's so darned active, but Willy finally had gotten the bug that is going around. He woke up with a fever this morning, freaked me out as it was so high, so I stayed home from work to keep an eye on him. He missed his first travel team lacrosse practice tonight and I'll be keeping him home from 6am hockey and school tomorrow as well. He's also got a sore throat and is all stuffed up... If his fever is still high in the morning, off we go to the Dr...

The boys had their playoff games against William's Lake this past weekend. The boys won Saturday night 9-2, then finished them off on Sunday morning, 16-0. The poor guys from WL were so defeated... it was disheartening to watch. So good news is, we're off to Provincials...

Dylan has also achieved his fundraising goals for Aboriginal Team BC... he got the last cheque in the mail today from Great Grandpa Moston to put us over the top! Thanks to everyone who contributed to his campaign... we were worried about how it would go, but with donations coming in from as far as New York, USA, we were able to do it! You guys are awesome! :o)

Not much else going on here... the girls had dance today, Donovan is taking a coaching class at the high school and will come out of it with his NCPP(?) so that's exciting. Kirb is plunking along and getting his stuff organized to apply at CNC for his Welder/Fitter course.

That's been my day... hope tomorrow's better! Night! :O)

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