Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentines' Day & Happy Anniversary Mom & Dad!

Well, I'll never forget my parent's anniversary... how could you on the most romantic day of the year?

37 years and still going strong!

Happy Valentine's Day to everyone else... Blaine and I went for dinner, no where romantic, but where we both enjoy the food and the big screen TV's to watch the hockey games! LOL! Not everyone's idea of an ideal evening, but I love it!

The kids had dentist appointments in Quesnel this afternoon. Left here by 1:30pm and were back by 5pm, so that's not too bad. Dakota and Willy had small fillings done, and Donovan got his spacers in for his "braces" appointment next week... It's going to be weird having a brace face in the family! LOL!

Anyhow, I'm off to watch Friday Night Lights... can't get enough of this show! Till next time...


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