Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Happy Birthday Dear Devin...

Gosh... can't quite believe my girlie is now a teenager... where does the time go? Here she is just before her 1st birthday... love it!

And now, she's all grown up! Here is a layout of her and Anesha at the make up studio getting all dolled up...

A funny thing happened to her on Saturday night when we were at Boston Pizza in Quesnel to celebrate with our friends down there. The waitresses brought Devin her birthday dessert and made her stand up on her chair and the whole resturant sang her happy birthday... but THEN, a group of seven young men got up from their corner booth, and came over to our table. They told Devin that they had a "crush" on her and wanted to sing to her for her birthday too... WELL... they opened their mouths to sing, and out came the most wonderful acapella rendition of "I've got a crush on you"... I almost died! Turns out, they were part of the high school musical group getting ready for their "Swing the Mood" musical... I couldn't have scripted it any better if I had paid to have had that happen!!! She was dying of embarrassment, but hey, how often in your life can you say that happens for you? I of course, had to go out to the van to get the camera and the boys were more than happy to pose for a picture with the birthday girl and her best friend... she'll thank me for that one day!!!

Catch up with me on Facebook... I'd love to hear from you and be your "friend"


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday, Devin!! What a cool way to celebrate!