Sunday, August 19, 2007

Sorry people... I've been a bad blogger!

Opps... been a little bit caught up in Facebook and haven't been updating my blog! So sorry to those who have been waiting for some updates! (Thanks for the reminder Debbie!)

Let's see what I can think of in a few words... Summer is almost over and school is just around the corner! Can't believe that Donovan is going to be starting grade 12 this year! YIKES! The three boys had summer jobs at the tree nursery down the road from us.

Dylan participated in the lacrosse provincials down in New Westminister and the boys took the silver medal... lost the game in OT! That BIT! Devin and Dakota spent lots of time at Auntie Kelly's and they're heading down to Nana and Papa's for some R&R while I take Dylan to Medicine Hat for the WHL rookie camp this upcoming week/weekend. I am hoping to be able to catch up with my cousin and her family while we're there. Dylan is in the middle of tryouts as well for the major midget hockey team, the Cariboo Cougars. He's made it through two rounds of cuts and we'll see if he can hang on for the last one. It is a team made up of 15-17yr olds... mostly older kids and he's still 14... not 15 until October. Chances are slim, but he's doing awesome!

Kirby and Donovan spent TONS of time on their mountain bikes, wiping out, fixing things and getting back on the seat and having a blast.

Anyhow... if you're not the facebook wagon yet, why not? It's a blast hooking up with old friends and new ones too... hope to see you there soon! :o)

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