Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I almost forgot how to log on to here!!!

Well folks, it's been a long time since I updated my blog! I was reminded that I do have a blog and some people do read it, don't I know? LOL! So my apologies to those who read and those who come to check in and see what we've been up to at the Willick household! I have gotten caught up in the Facebook craze and love being able to keep up with friends and family "in real time" over there. But, looking back over my blog, I realize that I miss my "journaling" of our lives on here, and that I should make a better effort to get on here and keep it up to date.

Anyhow, no surprise, but I have to head out the door ASAP to take Dylan to hockey. I will try and get back on here and post some recent pics and stuff real soon!



Anonymous said...

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Allyson said...

Let's see some updates sister! ;)