Monday, January 29, 2007

Exam week... what a PITA!

The boys are in full swing exam mode and it couldn't be more of a pain in the you-know-where now that I'm working... Dylan and Kirby were both done their exams this morning by 11am, and had to hang around the school until I got there just after two! Thankfully, Donovan has two exams tomorrow, but Kirb only has one in the afternoon, so he'll have to spend the morning studying some more while waiting for his pm test to take place... the joys of acreage living I suppose.

Blaine and the girls are on their way home from dance class. Kelly got them there, and he picked them up on his way home from work.

The days have been filled with sunshine around PG! It's a little cooler this week, but beautiful none the less!

The hockey team had an awesome fun-filled weekend of 3 on 3 hockey with the William's Lake AAA team. They played two ice times in WL and two times up here. There were wild and wacky prizes at the end of the weekend. Some boys even got "pie in the face", which was good for a few laughs! Dylan put on the goalie gear for the weekend, and had a blast playing in net for two games... Fun times all around!

We're off to Salmon Arm early on Friday morning. We're dropping Devin in Quesnel, and Dakota off at Nana and Papa's. Then Dylan and the rest of us will continue on for his Aboriginal Team BC tryouts. So far, the weather forecasts are great, so hopefully the rest of the week stays that way! I hate driving in the crappy stuff!

Not much else is new... Devin and I got haircuts yesterday. Dakota partied all weekend long and was one tired chickie last night at bedtime! Kathy and I made it out the CN Centre once last week... hopefully we can hook up once or twice this week too!

Off to make dinner and watch Hero's on the tube tonight! WOOHOO! TTFN!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Rain, Rain... Go away!

Yes, RAIN! Can you believe it? It's been raining here on and off for the last two days and the temperatures are expected to reach plus 9 by tomorrow... Bye bye snow! Problem is, it's melting rapidly and there is no where for it to go except sitting on top of the frozen ground which is making for some rather large mud puddles everywhere! Very weird weather I tell ya!

Not too much to report from here... Back to the grind and the normal routine this week. Busy weekends coming up though. Dylan's got four games with Williams Lake this weekend, then the weekend after we're off to the Provincial camp for Aboriginal Team BC tryouts in Salmon Arm.

Dylan made the Hinton newspaper this week... here is a link to the article if you haven't seen it already Pretty cool hey?

Dakota's got two birthday parties this weekend. Donovan starts his classroom sessions for driving school, Devin and Kirby are just hanging out, Dylan will be at hockey and we'll just be driving everybody everywhere... as usual!

I forgot to mention that the girls had their very first day of down hill skiing last Saturday, and they both did very well. Dakota took to it like a duck to water, and I think Devin was a little more concerned about "looking good" than the whole experience of skiing! LOL! Oh to be almost 13 again... NOT! Here are a couple of pictures to show you their first day... Enjoy!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The joys of not running around...

Sweet! We're enjoying a "relaxing" evening at home, when we should be out the door rushing to hockey practice. Dylan and team made it to Edmonton around 4:30 our time, and had good roads the whole way. The team was quite excited to learn that they were riding on the WHL Cougars bus for this tournament! What a way to arrive in style! They play tomorrow morning at 10:30am, and as far as I know, Grandma and Grandpa Willick will be there to watch him. They're pretty good about taking some pictures for me too, so that will be nice. And Esther's there, so she'll look after stuff too if need be.

Donovan has the night off. He's worked the Tragically Hip concert, then our tournament, then Snoop Dogg, and then a Cougars game, all since this past Friday. Tomorrow he's got New Wrestling Nation, two Cougars games, Friday and Saturday, then the Rankin Family on Sunday night... no wonder he's fast asleep on the couch down stairs! You know my boy is tired when he sleeps through a hockey game, and it's the CHL prospects game too! He's started his driving lessons as well, so he's cramming it all in!

Kirb and the girls have just been chillin... Kirby's quite happy with all the snow we have, and has been making jumps for his snow board and using the cross country skiis as well. Him and the girls will strap on their stuff and head out in the sunshine for some exercise.

Devin wants me to mention that she has been sitting at the kitchen table working on her science project for the last two hours... poor girlie! Her project is on number memorization. Should be an interesting topic.

I had to include this picture of McTuff... I don't know why, but I love this picture! He's too cute!

Not too much else to report from here... I'll update with game results as I have them!

TTFN! :o)

Monday, January 15, 2007

Time to take a breath...


Well, another tournament has come and gone! Bummer that the boys only came in second, but Dylan tied for 3rd place overall with 11 points in round robin play! Here is a picture of him receiving his medal. He was also named Game MVP twice in the tournament... very cool! Not too bad... :o) It was a lot of work, but also a lot of fun! Now the team is off to St. Albert on Wednesday morning, and he'll be gone until Sunday or Monday, depending on how they do.

For the rest of the family, we'll take the week "off" of hockey and get some down time in there and get caught up. Hopefully I'll be scrapbooking the weekend away at Esther's house with some of the other hockey moms...

Back to normal at work this week... Rachel's home from Mexico all tanned and rested! We're all jealous! LOL!

Not too much to report tonight... Off to do some chores! Night!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

In the home stretch...

for our home tournament!

Here is the link to our tournament webpage so you can follow along with us as we go...

I will be scarce at home as we end up practically living at the rink! I'll update when I can!

Have a good weekend! :o)

Monday, January 08, 2007

Go Willy, Go Willy!!!

Well, we made it home from Mackenzie last night and I was too tired to log on and post, but huge CONGRATULATIONS to Willy for making the BC Best Ever Under 16 team! He'll be competing in the BC Cup towards the end of April in Mission, BC. He is one of nine from his AAA PG Cougars team that made the team and is joined by kids from Williams Lake (3), old team mates from Quesnel (3), Fort St John (3), Dawson Creek (1) and Whitehorse, Yukon (1). He's very excited and proud to be representing PG and playing on this team... I've got a tournament meeting to head to, so I'll sign off for now! TTYS! :o)

**Edited to add a blurb from our local newspaper**

Tuesday, January 9, 2007
U-16 team filled with P.G.’s best players
This season’s Under-16 regional hockey team is loaded with local talent.During a weekend B.C. Best Ever camp in Mackenzie, nine Prince George players were chosen for the club. They are Isaac Haack, Brett Connolly, Jordan Duncan, Brett Bulmer, Chris Allbee, Michael Jorgensen, Daniel Gibb, Dylan Willick and Stefan Bazar. “The P.G. kids had a strong showing,” said head coach Brad Crossan. “Nine kids out of 20 (roster spots) is exceptional.”Ice sessions were held Saturday and Sunday. The team is rounded out by players from Williams Lake, Quesnel, Fort St. John, Dawson Creek and Whitehorse. In late April, the squad will compete at the Best Ever tournament against teams from B.C.’s seven other zones. The tournament will be held in Mission.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Sorry... I've been remiss...

in getting to my blog to update it, however, it doesn't mean that I haven't been slaving away in front of the computer for the last several evenings in a row! Working on the program insert for the boys tournament is no easy task, even if I have already got the templates I used last year stored in the computer. It still takes time and patience and a lot of tweeking here and there! Oh well, the final result will be well worth the work and energy spent getting it ready!

On top of that, I've been burning the Game MVP CD's with the latest and greatest rock songs of the year... thirty in all will be done by next weekend! We finally got our game schedule and I'll post the link to our team's tournament website so you can follow along on the boys journey! We look forward to hosting teams from Penticton, Fort St John, Williams Lake, Quesnel and Grande Prairie. While the tournament is a lot of work, it's a lot of fun too! Can't wait until it's all said and done though! LOL!

I got a king sized memory foam for our bed yesterday at Costco! OH MY! I totally love it! Blaine said even his hips weren't sore when he woke up this morning, and he usually has sore hips from sleeping on his side, because he snores on his back, then I can't sleep and have to poke him! ROTF! No poking last night though!

We're off to Mackenzie tomorrow after work. Blaine is bringing his laptop, so I may be able to sneak on and post an update from there... if not, I promise to get on for a bit on Sunday night! Till then... TTFN! :o)

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year to those far and near...

It's been a busy week since my last post! I've been to Burnaby and back for Dylan's hockey tournament, un-decorated the house, We spent last night fonduing with the kids... fun times! And celebrated New Years nice and quiet at home with the people who matter most in our lives, and spent today in my PJ's... a nice way to start 2007 I think! LOL!

It's back to the real world tomorrow, work for both Blaine and I... but don't tell the kids; I'm actually looking forward to getting out of the house and back to the office for a few hours a day! A nice short week to start things off right and I should have a bit of work to catch up on since Rachel was in last week and I wasn't... plus, she's going to be teaching me a bit more things on the computers etc, since she's leaving for Mexico next Saturday! I'm sure the next two weeks are going to FLY by and I won't have much time in the evenings!

We've got the BC Best Ever tryouts in MacKenzie this weekend coming up, I've been busy working on our tournament insert as that happens Jan 12th weekend, then the boys are off to St. Albert, Alberta for a tournament, then we have four league games in one weekend both here and in William's Lake, then the first weekend in February, we're off to Salmon Arm for the final Aboriginal Team BC tryouts for Willy! See what I mean about January flying by! I'm already planning into February and we haven't even had a break yet! Are you tired just reading that? I'm tired thinking about all the traveling! YIKES!

Donovan and Kirby are going skiing tomorrow. Nate is here having a sleepover and him and Willy have been paintballing non-stop. The girls are chillin', but getting bored at home. I've got to arrange a play date for Miss Dakota with Morgan still this week, and Devin is content to stay at home working out on the new gym equipment... All in all, it's been a good holiday so far! But the kids don't go back to school for another week yet... I think we'll all be ready for the return to normalcy by January 8th!

I also haven't made a single resolution for this year... I guess I'll do what I feel like, when I feel like it! So how's that for a statement for the new year? ROTF!

I wish you all a healthy, happy and prosperous 2007! Cheers!