Monday, January 29, 2007

Exam week... what a PITA!

The boys are in full swing exam mode and it couldn't be more of a pain in the you-know-where now that I'm working... Dylan and Kirby were both done their exams this morning by 11am, and had to hang around the school until I got there just after two! Thankfully, Donovan has two exams tomorrow, but Kirb only has one in the afternoon, so he'll have to spend the morning studying some more while waiting for his pm test to take place... the joys of acreage living I suppose.

Blaine and the girls are on their way home from dance class. Kelly got them there, and he picked them up on his way home from work.

The days have been filled with sunshine around PG! It's a little cooler this week, but beautiful none the less!

The hockey team had an awesome fun-filled weekend of 3 on 3 hockey with the William's Lake AAA team. They played two ice times in WL and two times up here. There were wild and wacky prizes at the end of the weekend. Some boys even got "pie in the face", which was good for a few laughs! Dylan put on the goalie gear for the weekend, and had a blast playing in net for two games... Fun times all around!

We're off to Salmon Arm early on Friday morning. We're dropping Devin in Quesnel, and Dakota off at Nana and Papa's. Then Dylan and the rest of us will continue on for his Aboriginal Team BC tryouts. So far, the weather forecasts are great, so hopefully the rest of the week stays that way! I hate driving in the crappy stuff!

Not much else is new... Devin and I got haircuts yesterday. Dakota partied all weekend long and was one tired chickie last night at bedtime! Kathy and I made it out the CN Centre once last week... hopefully we can hook up once or twice this week too!

Off to make dinner and watch Hero's on the tube tonight! WOOHOO! TTFN!

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