Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Rain, Rain... Go away!

Yes, RAIN! Can you believe it? It's been raining here on and off for the last two days and the temperatures are expected to reach plus 9 by tomorrow... Bye bye snow! Problem is, it's melting rapidly and there is no where for it to go except sitting on top of the frozen ground which is making for some rather large mud puddles everywhere! Very weird weather I tell ya!

Not too much to report from here... Back to the grind and the normal routine this week. Busy weekends coming up though. Dylan's got four games with Williams Lake this weekend, then the weekend after we're off to the Provincial camp for Aboriginal Team BC tryouts in Salmon Arm.

Dylan made the Hinton newspaper this week... here is a link to the article if you haven't seen it already http://www.hintonparklander.com/Sports/282259.html Pretty cool hey?

Dakota's got two birthday parties this weekend. Donovan starts his classroom sessions for driving school, Devin and Kirby are just hanging out, Dylan will be at hockey and we'll just be driving everybody everywhere... as usual!

I forgot to mention that the girls had their very first day of down hill skiing last Saturday, and they both did very well. Dakota took to it like a duck to water, and I think Devin was a little more concerned about "looking good" than the whole experience of skiing! LOL! Oh to be almost 13 again... NOT! Here are a couple of pictures to show you their first day... Enjoy!

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