Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year to those far and near...

It's been a busy week since my last post! I've been to Burnaby and back for Dylan's hockey tournament, un-decorated the house, We spent last night fonduing with the kids... fun times! And celebrated New Years nice and quiet at home with the people who matter most in our lives, and spent today in my PJ's... a nice way to start 2007 I think! LOL!

It's back to the real world tomorrow, work for both Blaine and I... but don't tell the kids; I'm actually looking forward to getting out of the house and back to the office for a few hours a day! A nice short week to start things off right and I should have a bit of work to catch up on since Rachel was in last week and I wasn't... plus, she's going to be teaching me a bit more things on the computers etc, since she's leaving for Mexico next Saturday! I'm sure the next two weeks are going to FLY by and I won't have much time in the evenings!

We've got the BC Best Ever tryouts in MacKenzie this weekend coming up, I've been busy working on our tournament insert as that happens Jan 12th weekend, then the boys are off to St. Albert, Alberta for a tournament, then we have four league games in one weekend both here and in William's Lake, then the first weekend in February, we're off to Salmon Arm for the final Aboriginal Team BC tryouts for Willy! See what I mean about January flying by! I'm already planning into February and we haven't even had a break yet! Are you tired just reading that? I'm tired thinking about all the traveling! YIKES!

Donovan and Kirby are going skiing tomorrow. Nate is here having a sleepover and him and Willy have been paintballing non-stop. The girls are chillin', but getting bored at home. I've got to arrange a play date for Miss Dakota with Morgan still this week, and Devin is content to stay at home working out on the new gym equipment... All in all, it's been a good holiday so far! But the kids don't go back to school for another week yet... I think we'll all be ready for the return to normalcy by January 8th!

I also haven't made a single resolution for this year... I guess I'll do what I feel like, when I feel like it! So how's that for a statement for the new year? ROTF!

I wish you all a healthy, happy and prosperous 2007! Cheers!

1 comment:

Allyson said...