Wednesday, March 07, 2007

March is marching along!!!

As the days get longer, I am finding less and less time to sit and post to my blog! Sorry!

Our lives speed up at this time of the year... extra hockey teams, lacrosse has started, dance is going full swing, science fair projects are being worked on until the wee hours, the yard is flooding with all the snow melt... BUT the birds are singing in the morning, we saw a rainbow this morning on the way to work/school, green grass is starting to poke through, it RAINED today and smelled like spring... only a few more weeks... Ahhhh! :o)

My big news is I scaled back my hours at work, so I now work Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and have Monday/Friday's off! It should fit in with our lifestyle a whole lot better now...

Not much else to report... All is well here!

Night! :o)

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