Monday, April 18, 2011

Where or where to begin??

It seems so funny to me to look back and see that when I last posted, over two years ago, Dylan had just got listed with the Blazers. Since that time, he's played two hockey seasons with them, won four year end awards and is getting ready to head into the NHL Draft... fitting that it's being held in 2011 and his number is 11...

So much going on in our lives... Blaine has been working up in the oil patch in Fort McMurray since December of 2010. We're getting ready to sell the acreage and head on down to Kamloops... All three boys have graduated high school, Devin is finishing up Grade 11 and Dakota is almost done Grade 8...

I just finished working at BC Housing, and now I'm looking at re-opening my scrapbook store, this time in Kamloops. It's going to be quite the adventure!!

Anyhow, just wanted to post a quick update. Since Facebook has taken over our lives, I find that I just don't think to blog anymore... however, I did enjoy going back and reading about our lives back then... I really should keep this up!

Have a good week! M

Saturday, March 14, 2009

It's been a long time baby!!!

Sometimes, I come and look back on my blog and wish I had more time to do the things I used to do before I worked full time. Sometimes, I have the time to sit and write in my blog but don't do it because I don't feel like it. Sometimes, I just sit and DO IT... like now! LOL!

Things have been going at Mach 3 around here with Dylan's hockey career. He's been listed as a protected player in the WHL by the Kamloops Blazers and he's pretty thrilled with it all. We all are very proud of him, he's been working hard to get there and he deserves everything he has coming to him. He's in the middle of semi finals in the Major Midget league and we're waiting for game updates. Fingers crossed that they win again tonight and we'll be in the BC Championships...

Everyone else has been plunking along, doing their thing... Donovan and Kirby work, ski, work, wait for the snow to quit falling so they can get their bikes out and catch some air. Donovan is in college this year, and Kirby will be graduating in a few short months... hard to believe how fast time flies sometimes!

Devin and Dakota are busy with school, friends, socializing... Devin applied for a Quebec exchange so we're hoping that she'll be accepted and off to explore Quebec this time next year. Dakota got her chin cut skating with her class yesterday and isn't happy that it hurts! =0)

Blaine has written his last two exams for this 1st Class power engineering ticket. I'm so proud of him... it's been years of studying and patience, but he can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel!

I am enjoying working for BC Housing and all it has to offer. I find it rewarding work and enjoy the office staff who have become like family over the last year and a half!!

There, I did a little update, it didn't kill me and now I'm going to watch hockey on TV to help pass the time waiting for game updates from Dylan's game in Vancouver...

Later! =0)

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Don't ya just hate when you forget passwords???

And you can't get on your blog to update because you're too lazy to go through the process again? LOL...

Well, that's been me, but I'm back in!

Lots to get updated on for sure... will work on that this weekend, I promise!

Anyhow, it's good to be back, feels like I've come home again!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I almost forgot how to log on to here!!!

Well folks, it's been a long time since I updated my blog! I was reminded that I do have a blog and some people do read it, don't I know? LOL! So my apologies to those who read and those who come to check in and see what we've been up to at the Willick household! I have gotten caught up in the Facebook craze and love being able to keep up with friends and family "in real time" over there. But, looking back over my blog, I realize that I miss my "journaling" of our lives on here, and that I should make a better effort to get on here and keep it up to date.

Anyhow, no surprise, but I have to head out the door ASAP to take Dylan to hockey. I will try and get back on here and post some recent pics and stuff real soon!


Sunday, August 19, 2007

Sorry people... I've been a bad blogger!

Opps... been a little bit caught up in Facebook and haven't been updating my blog! So sorry to those who have been waiting for some updates! (Thanks for the reminder Debbie!)

Let's see what I can think of in a few words... Summer is almost over and school is just around the corner! Can't believe that Donovan is going to be starting grade 12 this year! YIKES! The three boys had summer jobs at the tree nursery down the road from us.

Dylan participated in the lacrosse provincials down in New Westminister and the boys took the silver medal... lost the game in OT! That BIT! Devin and Dakota spent lots of time at Auntie Kelly's and they're heading down to Nana and Papa's for some R&R while I take Dylan to Medicine Hat for the WHL rookie camp this upcoming week/weekend. I am hoping to be able to catch up with my cousin and her family while we're there. Dylan is in the middle of tryouts as well for the major midget hockey team, the Cariboo Cougars. He's made it through two rounds of cuts and we'll see if he can hang on for the last one. It is a team made up of 15-17yr olds... mostly older kids and he's still 14... not 15 until October. Chances are slim, but he's doing awesome!

Kirby and Donovan spent TONS of time on their mountain bikes, wiping out, fixing things and getting back on the seat and having a blast.

Anyhow... if you're not the facebook wagon yet, why not? It's a blast hooking up with old friends and new ones too... hope to see you there soon! :o)

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Happy Birthday Dear Devin...

Gosh... can't quite believe my girlie is now a teenager... where does the time go? Here she is just before her 1st birthday... love it!

And now, she's all grown up! Here is a layout of her and Anesha at the make up studio getting all dolled up...

A funny thing happened to her on Saturday night when we were at Boston Pizza in Quesnel to celebrate with our friends down there. The waitresses brought Devin her birthday dessert and made her stand up on her chair and the whole resturant sang her happy birthday... but THEN, a group of seven young men got up from their corner booth, and came over to our table. They told Devin that they had a "crush" on her and wanted to sing to her for her birthday too... WELL... they opened their mouths to sing, and out came the most wonderful acapella rendition of "I've got a crush on you"... I almost died! Turns out, they were part of the high school musical group getting ready for their "Swing the Mood" musical... I couldn't have scripted it any better if I had paid to have had that happen!!! She was dying of embarrassment, but hey, how often in your life can you say that happens for you? I of course, had to go out to the van to get the camera and the boys were more than happy to pose for a picture with the birthday girl and her best friend... she'll thank me for that one day!!!

Catch up with me on Facebook... I'd love to hear from you and be your "friend"


Monday, June 11, 2007

Settling for Silver...

Dang... once again, Nanaimo came out on top, but this time, it took overtime to settle the score! They won the gold medal 5-4 yesterday at the 9th Annual Matt Underwood Lacrosse Tournament. We should have had the game in the bag because we were up 4-1 at the beginning of the third, but the boys just couldn't hold off Nanaimo's offense. It was a great game and we can't wait to see them at Provincials to settle the score on the floor!