Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The joys of not running around...

Sweet! We're enjoying a "relaxing" evening at home, when we should be out the door rushing to hockey practice. Dylan and team made it to Edmonton around 4:30 our time, and had good roads the whole way. The team was quite excited to learn that they were riding on the WHL Cougars bus for this tournament! What a way to arrive in style! They play tomorrow morning at 10:30am, and as far as I know, Grandma and Grandpa Willick will be there to watch him. They're pretty good about taking some pictures for me too, so that will be nice. And Esther's there, so she'll look after stuff too if need be.

Donovan has the night off. He's worked the Tragically Hip concert, then our tournament, then Snoop Dogg, and then a Cougars game, all since this past Friday. Tomorrow he's got New Wrestling Nation, two Cougars games, Friday and Saturday, then the Rankin Family on Sunday night... no wonder he's fast asleep on the couch down stairs! You know my boy is tired when he sleeps through a hockey game, and it's the CHL prospects game too! He's started his driving lessons as well, so he's cramming it all in!

Kirb and the girls have just been chillin... Kirby's quite happy with all the snow we have, and has been making jumps for his snow board and using the cross country skiis as well. Him and the girls will strap on their stuff and head out in the sunshine for some exercise.

Devin wants me to mention that she has been sitting at the kitchen table working on her science project for the last two hours... poor girlie! Her project is on number memorization. Should be an interesting topic.

I had to include this picture of McTuff... I don't know why, but I love this picture! He's too cute!

Not too much else to report from here... I'll update with game results as I have them!

TTFN! :o)

1 comment:

Memory Junction said...

So far no news on cancelling. He'll find out tonight at work...