Saturday, March 31, 2007

First day of Spring Break...

Ahhhh! No driving kids to school for the next two weeks! What a treat!

Too bad it's SNOWING outside! Man!!! I went to bed and it was all nice, and woke up this morning to a friggin' blizzard! I have had enough of winter thank you! Kids are crabby because they all had biking plans...

Devin is in Quesnel at Auntie Kelly's. Dakota is going to Nana's on Monday. Dylan is at Nathan's. Donovan's still in bed and Kirby is on the laptop. I am heading to the shower. I guess I'll go to town and get my Easter stuff I suppose. It's going to be crazy in town though. I hate going to Wal Mart and Costco on Saturday's because it is so nuts! Blaine hit Canadian Tire before going to work (OT again) this morning. He scored me a new wheelbarrow and a stainless steel clothing rack I want to put into the furnace room.

Still waiting to see if Tammy and David will be able to come up for Easter. Ma and Pa will be here though, and maybe Kelly & Ahmed and kids too if T & D can't come. We'll do our big egg hunt out in the yard. That's always fun! The kids end up finding eggs days later... :o)

TTFN! :o)

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Another Gold Medal day for my boy!!!

Dylan played in the United Native Nations hockey tournament this weekend and the boys came out on top with the gold medal today! He played this in addition to three high school hockey games going on at the same time... what a kid! :O)

Here he is getting his medal...

And here he is with his buddy Tye from William's Lake...

We also got to see some old friends of ours from Brule at the tournament: Wendy, Marius, Shale and Jace DeSchipper. Here is a picture of Donovan, Dylan and Shale after one of Shale's games... Look how tall they are!

We got to watch a lot of hockey this weekend, and enjoyed a day of sunshine today! The kids are back to school tomorrow and then will be off for spring break starting on Friday. Not much planned for Spring Break, unless my sister Tammy and family come up. I think that mom and dad are coming up too so that should be awesome. We haven't seen Tammy and David and the boys in over a year...

Have a good week ya'll! :o)

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Simply Sunday...

Gotta love those mornings where you can sleep in, with no worries about having to rush off anywhere, and stay in your jammies all day if you feel like! Well, that was today for us!

I scrapbooked at my friend Esthers' last night until almost 2am, then came home for some shut eye. Blaine and Donovan were out of the house by 5:45am: Blaine to work some OT for the pulp mills shut down, and Donovan was volunteering at the Atom Tournament doing the score clock. Once we were up, the rest of us got the chores done, and laundry done, then the girls and I spent the rest of the afternoon doing some baking... We baked a banana bread, banana muffins, blueberry muffins and some homemade donuts... those were nummy! Can't say I'd even made those before, but I have a sneaking suspicion I'll be asked to make them again real soon! :o)

Willy is off at Provincials... the boys played their first game today against Nanaimo and won 8-1. Willy's line was on fire, scoring all 8 goals... WTG boys! Tomorrow we play Kelowna, one of our dreaded rivals, but if the boys keep their mental game, as well as their physical game, they can win! Keep your fingers crossed!

Back to school for the other four kids tomorrow. I plan on catching up on my soap opera and maybe doing a bit of SBing...

Have a good one! Night!

Monday, March 12, 2007

My silver medal scientist!!!

Devin competed in the Cariboo Regional Science Fair this past weekend and her project on eating breakfast and it's effect on memory won a silver medal! The comments from the judges were very favourable and she could expand on her project for next year with even better results.

Here are some pictures of Devin with her medal and project...

We are very proud of her research and hard work on her project!

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

March is marching along!!!

As the days get longer, I am finding less and less time to sit and post to my blog! Sorry!

Our lives speed up at this time of the year... extra hockey teams, lacrosse has started, dance is going full swing, science fair projects are being worked on until the wee hours, the yard is flooding with all the snow melt... BUT the birds are singing in the morning, we saw a rainbow this morning on the way to work/school, green grass is starting to poke through, it RAINED today and smelled like spring... only a few more weeks... Ahhhh! :o)

My big news is I scaled back my hours at work, so I now work Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and have Monday/Friday's off! It should fit in with our lifestyle a whole lot better now...

Not much else to report... All is well here!

Night! :o)