Saturday, March 31, 2007

First day of Spring Break...

Ahhhh! No driving kids to school for the next two weeks! What a treat!

Too bad it's SNOWING outside! Man!!! I went to bed and it was all nice, and woke up this morning to a friggin' blizzard! I have had enough of winter thank you! Kids are crabby because they all had biking plans...

Devin is in Quesnel at Auntie Kelly's. Dakota is going to Nana's on Monday. Dylan is at Nathan's. Donovan's still in bed and Kirby is on the laptop. I am heading to the shower. I guess I'll go to town and get my Easter stuff I suppose. It's going to be crazy in town though. I hate going to Wal Mart and Costco on Saturday's because it is so nuts! Blaine hit Canadian Tire before going to work (OT again) this morning. He scored me a new wheelbarrow and a stainless steel clothing rack I want to put into the furnace room.

Still waiting to see if Tammy and David will be able to come up for Easter. Ma and Pa will be here though, and maybe Kelly & Ahmed and kids too if T & D can't come. We'll do our big egg hunt out in the yard. That's always fun! The kids end up finding eggs days later... :o)

TTFN! :o)

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