Sunday, March 18, 2007

Simply Sunday...

Gotta love those mornings where you can sleep in, with no worries about having to rush off anywhere, and stay in your jammies all day if you feel like! Well, that was today for us!

I scrapbooked at my friend Esthers' last night until almost 2am, then came home for some shut eye. Blaine and Donovan were out of the house by 5:45am: Blaine to work some OT for the pulp mills shut down, and Donovan was volunteering at the Atom Tournament doing the score clock. Once we were up, the rest of us got the chores done, and laundry done, then the girls and I spent the rest of the afternoon doing some baking... We baked a banana bread, banana muffins, blueberry muffins and some homemade donuts... those were nummy! Can't say I'd even made those before, but I have a sneaking suspicion I'll be asked to make them again real soon! :o)

Willy is off at Provincials... the boys played their first game today against Nanaimo and won 8-1. Willy's line was on fire, scoring all 8 goals... WTG boys! Tomorrow we play Kelowna, one of our dreaded rivals, but if the boys keep their mental game, as well as their physical game, they can win! Keep your fingers crossed!

Back to school for the other four kids tomorrow. I plan on catching up on my soap opera and maybe doing a bit of SBing...

Have a good one! Night!

1 comment:

Esther said...

Good job at keeping up with your blog, much better than me!! Yes, you still sound so busy, but congratulations on the sliver for Devin at the Science Fair, and hopefully Donovan is feeling more comfortable with his braces! Now I'm heading out shortly for more scrap booking, just had to check Kirk's blog, AWESOME times! then thought I'd better check out your blog, it's been like FOREVER since I checked!! Must update mine soon too!!
Boys seem to be in good spirits so that's nice, they'll be beat for tomorrow tho! Sleep in day I think :)