Sunday, March 25, 2007

Another Gold Medal day for my boy!!!

Dylan played in the United Native Nations hockey tournament this weekend and the boys came out on top with the gold medal today! He played this in addition to three high school hockey games going on at the same time... what a kid! :O)

Here he is getting his medal...

And here he is with his buddy Tye from William's Lake...

We also got to see some old friends of ours from Brule at the tournament: Wendy, Marius, Shale and Jace DeSchipper. Here is a picture of Donovan, Dylan and Shale after one of Shale's games... Look how tall they are!

We got to watch a lot of hockey this weekend, and enjoyed a day of sunshine today! The kids are back to school tomorrow and then will be off for spring break starting on Friday. Not much planned for Spring Break, unless my sister Tammy and family come up. I think that mom and dad are coming up too so that should be awesome. We haven't seen Tammy and David and the boys in over a year...

Have a good week ya'll! :o)

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