Monday, April 30, 2007

Game 2 - same results...

Well, another bad game, this time against Team Eastern Door & the North, a combined team from Quebec and the Atlantic provinces. We lost 10-2... Dylan again saw lots of ice time, both on the power play and the penalty kill. He even spent two minutes in the penalty box for a hook that prevented a goal against us... so he took one for the good of the team. Tomorrow we play Team Ontario South and by their scores against the two teams we lost to, it should be the best game for us. They also lost to the same two teams, but almost the exact same scores. So here to hoping for a better game then! If the boys don't win their game tomorrow, we'll probably be on our way home after their game on Thursday. This way we can spend the day and night in Edmonton at the Mall so the kids have a bit of a holiday on the way. Then home we go on Saturday, so we have a day of rest before heading back to school and work.

The weather here has been quite warm, and is supposed to get warmer as the week progresses.

I'll update again tomorrow night... Till then!

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Game 1 - NAHC 2007

Well, game one didn't go quite the way were we hoping... we got creamed by Team Alberta 8-1... OUCH!!! Our D-guys were pretty scrambly and the forwards were being held back offensively quite well by the Alberta boys' forecheck. We only had one ice time last night together, so I guess it is to be expected. Here's to hoping we do better tomorrow! ;o)

Here are a couple of pictures from Dylan's debut at the National level... He's #3, in Vancouver away colours...ENJOY!

We had quite the cheering section for Dylan as well... Our whole family, plus Grandma & Grandpa Willick, Great Grandpa Moston, Great Uncle George & Auntie Emma, Great Uncle Louis and Auntie Joyce, Great Auntie Bonnie & Uncle Armand, Second cousins Dale & his wife Nancy, Trevor & his wife and their kids as well. So lots of extras here to cheer on Team BC and Willy.

The opening ceremonies were quite impressive as well... native dancers, drums, cheifs, MP's, Gov't officials from ALL levels, and of course, all 17 hockey teams, 8 boys, and 9 girl teams from all over Canada... very cool to see!

I'll update some more tomorrow after the game. Hopefully I'll have better news! NIGHT from Saskatchewan...

Are we there yet???

Yes, finally! Oh my... I forgot what a long, BORING ride it is to Saskatchewan. I don't expect to be here again for a long, long time!

I started to not feel good on Friday morning, and by the time we arrived at Twila's in Edmonton on Friday night, I was done for. Stuffed up head, congested chest, nasty cough... and two days later, I'm still not the greatest. Now Donovan has it and has slept most of the day. Hopefully everyone else will not get it, sickies in a hotel room for a week is not my idea of fun!

We've seen Dylan for a second here and there. He seems to have made some new friends, and is quite involved in what his team is doing. The boys got very nice team track suits and gear bags. They look very sharp all standing together.

The boys play their first game in two hours. I'll post an update then. We play Team Alberta first. I guess Wacey Rabbit's brother is on Team Alberta. AND if you happened to catch Global BC news yesterday, you would have seen Dylan and Team BC at the Vancouver Airport with Wacey Rabbit sending them off... pretty cool stuff! :o)

Till later...

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Finally!!! Cougars won!!! Game 4 in OT...

Not that I have much of a voice left, but the Cougars won 3-2 in OT tonight... The boys pushed through and made it happen. Devin Setoguchi got the winning goal...

Crazy days here for the next few! Will post as I have time...


We'll the Cougars are down 3 games to none...

in this series with the Vancouver Giants! Bummer! Hopefully they're not out of it tonight at the CN Centre.

Still trying to get re-organized from our trip to Mission for the BC Best Ever Under 16 Cup this past weekend. Dylan did well, scoring 2 goals and getting an assist in the four games. :o)

We're also getting Dylan ready for the National Aboriginal Hockey Championships in Prince Albert starting on April 29th. He flies out of Prince George on Friday night, spends the night in Van, then the whole team flies to PA on Saturday. It's going to be another long week!

I'll try to get some pics posted by tomorrow... we're at the Cougars game again tonight so I doubt I'll get to it by.

Have a good day!

Monday, April 16, 2007

WOO HOOO! We win the series in six games!!!

The Prince George Cougars KICKED the Everett Silvertip's butt's tonight, by a score of 8-2!!! The CN Centre was sold out and my kids LOVED singing the NA NA NA, Hey Hey Hey, Goodbye song to the Silvertips!

We were loud and proud with our cow bells, white towels and cheering! It was an awesome night! Gosh, I love playoff hockey! :o)

Look what was in our yard this morning!

I looked out our front window this morning when I was sitting at the computer, and saw four deer munching away on the green grass in the front yard... they look so healthy for being such a long, hard winter for most of the wildlife around here.

The kids are busy getting ready for school, and Dylan is getting his stuff organized to be gone for the next week to the BC Best Ever Under 16 hockey tournament. I'm looking forward to a quiet day to myself at home. Not much for plans, because my afternoon and evening are going to be quite busy.

Game 6 tonight at CN Centre between the Cougars and the Everett Silvertips! The Cats won Saturday night in Everett, 4-3, scoring all their goals in the third period! Sure wish we could have been there to watch it! Instead, we were in Quesnel, at a benefit dance for a fire fighter that Blaine went through Basic Training that died of cancer last week. We went to his funeral on Saturday, then the benefit dance, which the family wanted to continue. They raised lots of money, and one of the fire fighters cut off his shoulder length hair and went bald! It was hilarious... and all in the name of raising money for cancer research.

We've got a slight drizzle outside which should help to turn the rest of the grass green and burst those leaf buds out. I can't wait... I love the "smell" of spring!

Be loud and proud for the Cougars tonight! Have a great one...

Friday, April 13, 2007

My Cougar Cub...

Here are a couple of pictures of Dakota all ready to "Get Rowdy" at the CN Centre for one of the WHL playoff games... she's wearing a Montreal jersey because it's the only one that's primarily white and fits her in the house! :o)


Finally the pictures...

Here are some pictures from the Easter weekend with the cousin's!

Some of the crew after hunting around for the outside eggs...

Dakota and her creation...

Devin and hers...

Tristan's egg...

Tanner man!

Some of the crew...

Tristan dipping!

Even Papa had a go! Donovan wanted to watch hockey, so Papa did his eggs!

Tammy n' Tanner goofing around!

We're ~not~ playing Halo Auntie Missy!!!

Hope you had a great Easter as well!

Easter has come and gone!

And so has the company... boo hoo! It was a sad morning at my house on Wednesday... everyone was tired from their "hockey hangovers" from watching the WHL Cougars beat the Everett Silvertips 5-1 in playoff hockey action. Tristan hid behind my big fig tree refusing to come out and Tanner clung to Donovan like there was no tomorrow! I don't know who I felt worse for, my kids or Tammy's! I think my kids suffered from a bit of "Flood withdrawls" for the rest of this week...

Sure hope we see them again real soon! I'll try and post some pictures this afternoon!


Thursday, April 05, 2007

Ahhh... the start of the long Easter weekend!

Papa arrived here in PG this afternoon while I was at work. He brought Dakota home with him and stopped in Quesnel and picked up Devin from at her old school and brought her home too. Tammy and David arrived safely with the boys at Mom's and will continue on their way here tomorrow for the weekend. Everyone is very pumped! We haven't seen them since Christmas 2005...

Dakota was a busy girl at Nana's. She learned how to sew! Nana and her are making the cutest flannelette quilt! I'll post pictures when it's done.

I've done some winning on EBay for the kids. Dakota has some new Littlest Pet Shops on their way to her and the boys have some IPod earphones coming.

My house is roasting... the boys started a fire this afternoon and the outside temperature keeps going up, so the temp in here is unbearable... so for Tammy, it should be just right!

Got most of the groceries today... might have to make a trip to Wal Mart tomorrow for stuff to fill up the Easter eggs for the big hunt on Sunday morning. Should be fun, fun, fun!!!

Wherever you are, we wish you a happy Easter! :o)