Sunday, April 29, 2007

Are we there yet???

Yes, finally! Oh my... I forgot what a long, BORING ride it is to Saskatchewan. I don't expect to be here again for a long, long time!

I started to not feel good on Friday morning, and by the time we arrived at Twila's in Edmonton on Friday night, I was done for. Stuffed up head, congested chest, nasty cough... and two days later, I'm still not the greatest. Now Donovan has it and has slept most of the day. Hopefully everyone else will not get it, sickies in a hotel room for a week is not my idea of fun!

We've seen Dylan for a second here and there. He seems to have made some new friends, and is quite involved in what his team is doing. The boys got very nice team track suits and gear bags. They look very sharp all standing together.

The boys play their first game in two hours. I'll post an update then. We play Team Alberta first. I guess Wacey Rabbit's brother is on Team Alberta. AND if you happened to catch Global BC news yesterday, you would have seen Dylan and Team BC at the Vancouver Airport with Wacey Rabbit sending them off... pretty cool stuff! :o)

Till later...

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