Sunday, April 29, 2007

Game 1 - NAHC 2007

Well, game one didn't go quite the way were we hoping... we got creamed by Team Alberta 8-1... OUCH!!! Our D-guys were pretty scrambly and the forwards were being held back offensively quite well by the Alberta boys' forecheck. We only had one ice time last night together, so I guess it is to be expected. Here's to hoping we do better tomorrow! ;o)

Here are a couple of pictures from Dylan's debut at the National level... He's #3, in Vancouver away colours...ENJOY!

We had quite the cheering section for Dylan as well... Our whole family, plus Grandma & Grandpa Willick, Great Grandpa Moston, Great Uncle George & Auntie Emma, Great Uncle Louis and Auntie Joyce, Great Auntie Bonnie & Uncle Armand, Second cousins Dale & his wife Nancy, Trevor & his wife and their kids as well. So lots of extras here to cheer on Team BC and Willy.

The opening ceremonies were quite impressive as well... native dancers, drums, cheifs, MP's, Gov't officials from ALL levels, and of course, all 17 hockey teams, 8 boys, and 9 girl teams from all over Canada... very cool to see!

I'll update some more tomorrow after the game. Hopefully I'll have better news! NIGHT from Saskatchewan...

1 comment:

Esther said...

Hi there, Thank goodness for blogs eh? Sorry to hear your sick and that they lost their first game, but HEY they're there! that's what counts. Hope they get better luck for their next game just to lift theire spirits even higher :) They should all be proud. Nice that you have a cheering squad too. Hope your feeling better, and that it won't spread to the others, gotta' have fun!!!