Wednesday, April 25, 2007

We'll the Cougars are down 3 games to none...

in this series with the Vancouver Giants! Bummer! Hopefully they're not out of it tonight at the CN Centre.

Still trying to get re-organized from our trip to Mission for the BC Best Ever Under 16 Cup this past weekend. Dylan did well, scoring 2 goals and getting an assist in the four games. :o)

We're also getting Dylan ready for the National Aboriginal Hockey Championships in Prince Albert starting on April 29th. He flies out of Prince George on Friday night, spends the night in Van, then the whole team flies to PA on Saturday. It's going to be another long week!

I'll try to get some pics posted by tomorrow... we're at the Cougars game again tonight so I doubt I'll get to it by.

Have a good day!

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