Monday, April 30, 2007

Game 2 - same results...

Well, another bad game, this time against Team Eastern Door & the North, a combined team from Quebec and the Atlantic provinces. We lost 10-2... Dylan again saw lots of ice time, both on the power play and the penalty kill. He even spent two minutes in the penalty box for a hook that prevented a goal against us... so he took one for the good of the team. Tomorrow we play Team Ontario South and by their scores against the two teams we lost to, it should be the best game for us. They also lost to the same two teams, but almost the exact same scores. So here to hoping for a better game then! If the boys don't win their game tomorrow, we'll probably be on our way home after their game on Thursday. This way we can spend the day and night in Edmonton at the Mall so the kids have a bit of a holiday on the way. Then home we go on Saturday, so we have a day of rest before heading back to school and work.

The weather here has been quite warm, and is supposed to get warmer as the week progresses.

I'll update again tomorrow night... Till then!

1 comment:

Esther said...

Good Morning
nice here this morning, sunny and no frost on the windshields early this morning either :)
Here's to lotsa' luck today then for the team. But hey, he's there and doin' it! That's winning too!! Hope he's havin' fun, that's the main thing!! Also hope you get to go to the West Ed Mall, you all deserve a bit of excitement and fun! CELEBRATE your "winter" is over :)!! at long last!!
Have fun and enjoy,
PS Hope that stuffy head syndrom passes quickly, you can't be sick on holidays......