Monday, April 16, 2007

Look what was in our yard this morning!

I looked out our front window this morning when I was sitting at the computer, and saw four deer munching away on the green grass in the front yard... they look so healthy for being such a long, hard winter for most of the wildlife around here.

The kids are busy getting ready for school, and Dylan is getting his stuff organized to be gone for the next week to the BC Best Ever Under 16 hockey tournament. I'm looking forward to a quiet day to myself at home. Not much for plans, because my afternoon and evening are going to be quite busy.

Game 6 tonight at CN Centre between the Cougars and the Everett Silvertips! The Cats won Saturday night in Everett, 4-3, scoring all their goals in the third period! Sure wish we could have been there to watch it! Instead, we were in Quesnel, at a benefit dance for a fire fighter that Blaine went through Basic Training that died of cancer last week. We went to his funeral on Saturday, then the benefit dance, which the family wanted to continue. They raised lots of money, and one of the fire fighters cut off his shoulder length hair and went bald! It was hilarious... and all in the name of raising money for cancer research.

We've got a slight drizzle outside which should help to turn the rest of the grass green and burst those leaf buds out. I can't wait... I love the "smell" of spring!

Be loud and proud for the Cougars tonight! Have a great one...

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