Saturday, May 05, 2007

And the boys finish 7th...

Sorry guys... I had no internet for the last few days, so this update is a bit late, but better late than never!

The boys finished the tournament 7th, in a knuckle biter with Team North West Territories. The score at the end of the third was tied, 4-4. So off to a shoot out we went... Dylan was the first shooter for Team BC... and HE SCORED! Woohoo! The crowd goes wild... wahhhh! LOL! Sorry, got away from myself there for a minute. In the end, we won the shoot out and Team BC goes on to finally win a game at Nationals.

Here are a few pictures for those of you who haven't seen them yet...

It was such a great experience for him and a fantastic way to finish up his Bantam years of hockey. Thanks to all who contributed to his En Route fundraising campaign and just plain support and encouragement... it means so much to us all!

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