Monday, May 28, 2007

One more "spring cleaning" chore completed!

Got the outside windows all washed and sparkling today! There is nothing better than looking out sparkling clean windows!!! I also got all the upstairs windows inside washed and the window ledges and sills mildew free. I hate that black gunk that accumulates over the winter with all the condensation in the house. Now we'll see how long it takes for the poor birdies to get confused and smash into them... I hate when that happens! Poor babies! But then I hate the feather mess that's left on the windows too!

I caught our resident squirrel in my May Day tree today and took some great shots of the little gaffer. Dylan had some peanuts left from his trip, and the squirrel gladly came down the tree to retrieve them. I think with a little more time and patience, the squirrel would have taken them right from his hand! Oh well.. enjoy the pictures!

Doesn't he look like he's smiling and saying "Thanks for the treat?" Too much fun!

Hope he made you smile! :o) TTFN!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love the squirrel pics! Too cute!