Saturday, May 05, 2007

Momma bear and her three cubs...

See what we saw on our way home today... Momma bear and three cubs were about 45 minutes north of McBride. They were so active and funny! We were in stitches in the van. Of course, I didn't get out of the van to take any pictures, just rolled down the window and shot out there. Momma was very calm considering we were feet away, and in no way did she act like she was threatened or concerned about me talking to her or taking pictures of her family. It was an honour to have been able to see her this close up with her new babies!

Ahh... nothing like a good back scratch!

Not quite sure why Momma has a bald face... we're waiting to hear what Uncle David has to say.

Baby Bear Attack! So sweet!

This baby wanted nothing to do with the tussling going on with his/her siblings!

Hope you enjoyed the pictures as much as we enjoyed watching them!

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