Sunday, May 27, 2007

The boys are bringing home a silver medal!

They lost in a nail biter to Nanamio, 11-9 this afternoon. Sounds like no one was expecting our team to be as strong as they are. It's going to be a long drive home and an even longer night waiting for him to get home!

Blaine and I got the garage dunged out, washed the deck and cleaned it off. There was pollen everywhere, on everthing! The water was yellow that was coming off the deck furniture. I am so thankful that no one at my house has allergies to pollen! I couldn't imagine how awful people feel... After all that cleaning, I hosed down the driveway and sidewalk to the front door. Now I really feel like I got my spring cleaning done!

Tomorrow I hope to get the outside windows washed...I know, I said that was today's job, but we just kinda got started in the garage, and decided to finish it up. I should have a nice peaceful day tomorrow while the kids are at school and Blaine is at work... And the weather is supposed to be nicer too... it was chilly this morning, but warmed up pretty good this afternoon. Now the wind is starting a bit, and it's cooling things off.

Anyhow, hope you had a productive weekend! :o) TTFN!

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