Saturday, May 19, 2007

Rain, rain go away!!!

I guess we shouldn't expect more for the May long weekend, but they weren't predicting a torrential downpour either! In between thunderstorms today, the girls and I got the vegetable garden seeds sown, and we made a quick trip to the greenhouse in between down pours. I bought some new potting soil to top up all my outside planters. Blaine went to the composting station this morning and brought home a few bags of compost to add to the garden before we seeded. I have some pre-potted herbs and vegetables to go into the garden, but they need to acclimatize a bit first. We got broccoli and corn to go in, and for herb pots we got parsley, sweet basil, chives, sage and cilantro... mmmm, mmmm!

We bought a couple of dandelion bars to run over the lovely patches of yellow flowers that are taking over the lawn... the joys of acreage living! No golf course greens around here... UGH! Too bad there just wasn't enough time to get out there between showers. The worst is keeping the dog off the front lawn for a day or two.

My dad is coming up tomorrow, and we're hoping the weather is better, because he's going to bring his chainsaw so we can do a bit of clearing in the back '40 and clean up the yard a bit... How come the weather never cooperates???

I worked a bit on some thank you cards for the people who contributed to Dylan's fundraising campaign to get him to Prince Albert for the National Aboriginal Hockey Championships. Here's what they look like so far... what do you think?

Well here's to hoping tomorrow has a bit more sunshine so we can get something finally done out there! :o)

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