Sunday, May 20, 2007

Much better day today!

We got a ton of stuff done around the acreage today... raked a ton of leaves, burnt them with all the branches and twigs that had accumulated over the winter, picked up the bits and pieces lying around the yard, tidied up the toys and sports equipment, did the mowing around the trees and shrubs, and Blaine got the stereo into Donovan's car... all in all, I'd say we had a fantastic day! :o) Papa's tired, he's in bed already! LOL!

Dylan got in an hour and a half at the outdoor box with the penalty kill boys from his lacrosse team. While he did that, Pa and I hit Costco and Superstore and then watched the boys for a bit before coming home for a BBQ.

Dakota had her friend Lindsay over for a sleepover last night, and considering it was her first sleepover, she did awesome. She fell asleep while Dakota was reading her a story... too cute! She's only 7 to Dakota's 9, but they're such good buddies!

We're hoping that the weather holds out for one more day, so we can get a bit more outside stuff done. I really want to put my annuals into my containers, but I think I'll hold off for one more weekend, in case it frosts.

Hope you're all having a fantastic long weekend! Cheers!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sounds like you got a lot of work done! I really need to get out to my garden and clear the beds out! It's been so chilly though.