Friday, May 25, 2007

The PG Posse are off to a good start in Chilliwack...

YEAH! Dylan and the lacrosse team won their first game against Juan de Fuca today, 10-7. He said all went well and they are pretty confident in themselves. They play Chilliwack in the morning, and one of the three Kamloops teams in the late afternoon. As much as I am enjoying staying home, I always feel like I'm missing out when I don't travel with him and the team...

Got lots done today. I planted all the outside planters, got the corn and broccoli and the herbs into the vegetable garden, and have some flowers left over, so I'm going to pull out a couple more planters and go to it again tomorrow... my back is killing me after all that bending over... as much as I love to garden, the next day is a b*tch because I can barely walk! LOL!

I bought a new weedie wacker today too... an early Father's Day present for Blaine since he kept "forgetting" to buy one! Nice me hey? Donovan used it though and the yard looks awesome. Just wish the dandelion killer would actually kill all the damned things instead of just wilting them a bit then they spring back.

It's supposed to be cooler tomorrow, but I sure wasn't complaining with the +25 we had today... lovely weather! But I do need to wash the outside windows, so cloudy and cooler will be good for that... The girls are sleeping out in the tent trailer tonight with the dog, so I hope they're warm enough.

We have TONS and TONS of birds visiting the feeders and nesting boxes. We have a pair of pileated woodpeckers that live in the forest behind us that come out every once in awhile to check out the feeders. They're so big and beautiful! Here are a couple of pictures I took of them last year...

As for other birds at our feeders, we have: house sparrows, evening grosbeaks, pine siskins, purple finches, common redpoles, red winged blackbirds, junco's, chickadees, robins, stellar jays, red-breasted nuthatches, northern flickers, downey woodpeckers, swallows, and three kinds of hummingbirds to name some of them. We love watching to see who's doing what and when.

Hope you're all having a great start to your weekend! TTFN! :o)


Unknown said...

Congrats to the lacrosse team! Hope they do well today.
Melissa, your yard sounds beautiful. I'd love to be there if ONLY to see all the birds that visit :-) We've been putting our feeders for a few years now and we LOVE to see all the species of birds here. We've seen Common Redpolls, Northern Juncos, Evening Grosbeak, Black-Capped Chickadee, Fox Sparrow, Song Sparrow, Blue Jays, Purple Finch, American Goldfinch, Yellow Rumped Warbler, Downy Woodpecker and Mourning Dove.

Well, I guess I'd love to come visit YOU too! LOL!

Memory Junction said...

And we'd love to have you Carla... maybe one day!:o)

My mom and dad who live two hours south get Western Tangagers and the American Goldfinch... I'm jealous! LOL!