Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Christmas party time...

Had a lovely dinner at a Greek restaurant with the staff from MediChair tonight. It was so nice to see everyone in a social setting and not under the busyness and stress of "work". We had lots of laughs and made some good memories to recall next year...

Kathy and I went walking today at the Coliseum and stupid me, I forgot my runners at home and ended up walking in my work shoes... BIG MISTAKE! Can you say "D'oh?" I have huge blisters on the pads under my big toes and it's so friggin painful to walk! I know I won't be doing that again! But we will be getting together to walk though... it was nice to visit and chat, but I guess we're going to have to "pick up the pace" because a lot of those seniors were lapping us! LOL!

Donovan was my secretary at the hockey tournament meeting tonight while we were at the dinner. He did a good job taking notes for me and making sure he inserted his opinion where is was needed(or not! LOL!)... Hard to believe our home tournament is in less than a month now... lots of things to do to get ready for that too.

We're going to visit with Debbie and baby Keaton tomorrow after work. I have to get his presents to him before he grows too much and they don't fit him! Can't have that happening! I can't wait to sniggle him! I gotta remember to bring my camera to take some pictures too... If it's okay with Debbie, I'll post one on here so you can see how cute he is Nana!

Okay... I need to get this tired body into the tub and my bed! Night...

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