Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Well, the boys are off to Victoria!

The boys headed out early this morning (at 6am) amidst snow flurries and yucky road conditions. Haven't had any updates on the hockey hotline yet, but I had heard that the boys were stuck waiting in a traffic line somewhere along the way because of a car accident, and so to pass some time, the boys got off the bus and sold their raffle tickets to the captive audience that they had! Great thinking guys! The boys play at 10am tomorrow morning against Juan de Fuca. I'll post updates as I hear them. Here is a link to the Victoria AAA hockey site so you can keep track of their progress as well...

Got my flu shot today. My arm isn't sore like I was expecting it to be. It kinda tingled all day and the nurse said it might feel like I was carrying around a brick on my shoulder for the next day or two... but so far, so good! Everyone at work got one because of how much we work with the seniors who are in a very high risk category. No sense in getting it ourselves!

Kirby is taking advantage of the ALL the snow we've gotten in the last week or two and is at the ski hill for some night skiing with his buddy Glen. It's very warm outside, about +5, so it's going to be kinda wet and slick, but they don't seem to care a bit! Donovan is watching a hockey game, Devin is torturing the cat, (Keni of course, never Koska!) and Dakota is playing on the laptop... Blaine is working a bit later tonight as they had a mini shut down on one of the boilers and it's his first shut down as the new assistant chief, so he wants to stay and make sure it all goes well!

Not much else going on tonight... without Willy here and his hockey, we actually get to stay home once in awhile! LOL! I might even sit my butt down in my scrapbook room tonight and DO something! Won't that be novel?

We're going to get our Christmas tree at the tree farm this year. Last year, we bought one off the lot, but it just wasn't the same as "tromping" through the snow making magical memories and asking the chosen tree if it would like to come home with us... Hopefully we'll bundle up on Saturday and off we go! Blaine will be working OT on Sunday and through the following week for the major shutdown at the one mill, then it's planning for the shut down at the other mill... So if I want the tree up this weekend, Saturday it is!

So that's it from my desk tonight... Have a good one!

**Updated: The boys are safe and sound on the ferry, so almost to their destination since they're going to Victoria from Vancouver. They play at 10am, tomorrow morning, so I'll update once I'm home from work tomorrow.**

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