Sunday, December 03, 2006

Create a Snowflake for the Salvation Army...

Here is a really cool place to go and create a snowflake to help the Salvation Army this Christmas Season... The snowflake I created is #3,129,620 You can search for it to have a look-see! The more snowflakes created, the more money Popular Front donates to the Sally Ann... HAVE FUN!!!!

Need a Snow Day?

It's been a busy few days around here... no real time to sit and blog and you wouldn't believe how much I missed doing it!

Dylan left for Dawson Creek at noon on Friday. They played their first game against DC that same night and won the game 13-2. They played again this morning and won that game 13-1... yikes! They continued their travels on to Fort St John this afternoon where they won that game 14-0! What a weekend for improving your +/- rating! They boys even changed it up and the defense played forward and the forwards played defense. Even as a D-Man, Willy still managed to get a hat trick today and four assists in that game alone! WOW! Blaine is just in at the bus picking Willy up from their trip. Then they have a day of woodcutting tomorrow. Thankfully, we can all sleep in a bit as they don't have to be there until 11am. The girls and I will be going into Canfor's kids Christmas party. They're roller skating with the "old style" roller skates... should be fun for some pictures anyhow!

Today I went into a cleaning frenzy and my poor old body is having a hard time handling it... I cleaned the upstairs top to bottom, changed the living room around, dung out my bedroom, changed it all around, had Blaine purge his drawers and get out all the old clothes he doesn't wear anymore, purged the papers at the computer desk, put all the CD's and DVD's into actual cases instead of those darned paper thingy's, and am still working on the laundry. Well, not at this minute, the rest can wait for tomorrow.

Last night Blaine and I went out for a dinner date to celebrate his new job, and our birthdays since we hadn't done anything for those either. We went to the Keg, our favorite place. It was a busy place last night though... a very noisy birthday party and what appeared to be a bridal shower... they were very rowdy, but hey, we weren't looking for romantic! LOL! After dinner we stopped and rented a few movies to have over the weekend: Click, The Fast and the Furious, Tokyo something, and The Davinci Code... LOVED the book, liked the movie. It was really good though. I highly recommend both! :o) The kids enjoyed Click and Kirby was glued to the F&F, said it had the best ending of a movie he could ever remember... so that must be saying something! After the movie store, Blaine and I went to the scrapbook store... what a guy hey? Sarah and I demo'd the Cricut for him to see how it worked and had a good visit.

Caught up with an old friend from Quesnel today... HI BARB! :o) Got the inside scoop on where to get me a Cricut Cutting machine for a good price. I want one for Christmas... maybe Santa will think I've been good enough this year? What do you think?

I am almost done my Christmas shopping... I have a few small things to pick up for the boys. Dakota was supposed to be done, but when I went back to SuperStore yesterday to pick up her gift, they had sold out and probably weren't getting any more! OH NO! Devin is no where near done... this age is sooo hard. She wants primping things... shampoo, make up, that kind of stuff. No fun for mom! LOL! And shopping for clothes for her is impossible... everything I suggest, she doesn't like... hmmm, where have I seen this scene before? Deja Vu perhaps! ROTF!

Have already received two Christmas cards in the mail this week. I haven't decided if I am even doing cards this year. I always do close to 100 and have every year since Blaine and I were together, but I get so disappointed when I don't cards back, that I swore last year, I wasn't going to go through all that work... and now with working, I don't know if I feel like it. I don't know, I'll probably change my mind in the end and do them anyhow.

I have got to start my Christmas baking... maybe tomorrow afternoon, but for sure next weekend. Willy will be leaving for Victoria on Wednesday, and it's my birthday on Friday, and we usually decorate the house and tree the weekend of my birthday. So that may not leave much time for baking... I guess we'll have to play it by ear and see how it goes. Also, it's the Bantam B tournament this weekend, and we'll go and watch the boys and see how they do. Gotta watch hockey even when my kid isn't out there... I'll cheer for his buddies though! :O)

Well, Blaine and Willy just pulled into the driveway... should go and greet my boy! Have a good night all!

1 comment:

Esther said...

Melissa, your up way too late for this ol' gal, but just to say. I've "finally" completed my decorating, lights too, yesterday so I'm ahead on "one" thing!! Now I'm trying to get caught up on the laundry cause tomorrow I'm off to Burns, selling 2 of my snow mobiles :) but a day wasted. I'm going to Victoria too, Wednesday night (flying). So gotta' get in a "higher" gear around here. Glad you were able to get away for a nice dinner with just you and your hubby! Always nice but doesn't get to happen often. Glad you MADE it happen!
....I did notice your blog hadn't been updated for a few days, gotta' get at mine one day here too!!
Hope your day went well,
Esther :)