Thursday, December 14, 2006

I have ~serious~ baby **lust**!

Oh my! We had a visit today at Debbie and Darcy's; they sure do make some gorgeous kids! LOL! Although I have to say, I am partial to little Mister #8... Isn't he he just the most adorable little man you've ever seen? I'm as proud as an Auntie! LOL! And he looks just like his big brother Danton! He's just sooo teeny tiny! Debbie said 7 lbs something today, I can't remember! My bad!

Donovan even held him for a while and then Dakota and I shared the rest of the time. He's quite content and Debbie is looking fantastic! Even her house is sparkling and her tree is up, with wrapped presents under there... she's putting us to shame! LOL! You truly are Super Mom Debbie... hats off to you! :OP And can't forget Dakota's picture with Keaton... they're birthday buddies forever now... Finally home after a whirl wind of another day... this week just zoomed by and I am SOOO glad tomorrow is Friday! I can sleep in on Saturday morning, then house cleaning, the Teddy Bear Toss hockey game on Saturday night with Kathy and Serge and kids, then Sunday is baking, Dylan and Blaine have firewood and the team is serving at the Senior's Dinner up in the Hart. Then it's one more week of work and then CHRISTMAS holidays! I so can't wait!

I should run, I haven't had any dinner yet (Donovan made the kids pancakes while I was in town at hockey with Willy!) and I am debating having a bath BEFORE Survivor tonight... Only tonight and Sunday to go. Although I must admit, I am not enjoying the show much anymore. So predictable and boring... Okay, I'm off! TTFN!

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