Monday, December 04, 2006

Great way to end the day... NOT!

Okay... I have finally had ENOUGH of all the danged snow falling and these darned "Pineapple Express'"... Rushed home from work today to get the girls ready for dance, and take Willy in to team ticket sales and I got stuck at the end of our driveway.! After snowing all day (again!), and the temperature hovering right around zero all day, it made for very slippery conditions. Granted, I was probably going a bit too fast to get into the driveway, but man! I was SOOO stuck! I had to wait until Blaine got home from work to dig me out! So needless to say, dance and ticket sales were cancelled for us! I think we have more snow now than we did over the whole winter last year! YIKES! Thankfully it's warmer than it was last week, but warmer apparently means more snow! LOL!

The highway was pure sheet ice and in town was down right dangerous! People slidding through intersections, not being able to stop. We had to dig out four different cars from work today because they couldn't move in the heavy wet snow... Those poor seniors shouldn't even have been out driving, let alone getting out of their cars with walkers and canes trying to get into the store! Good thing we have a lot of young men working at the store to help dig them out! I was worried I was going to get stuck at work too because when I parked this morning, I kinda slid into a snowpile and wondered all day if I was going to make it out. Well, I was able to back out just fine, but once I put it into drive, I kinda sunk into the slushy ice. I had to rock back and forth a couple of times to get myself going... once I was driving, it was okay, but I went around the corner from work and some guy in a truck came plowing out of a back alley and almost rammed me! My poor heart! I realize he was just trying to get out of the alley without getting stuck, but hey! Take a look first please!!!!

Got my scrapbook room all cleaned up and organized after supper. Amazing how strapping on your MP3 player can make time go so much faster! And best of all, I wanted to sit down and get some scrapping done! BUT... I didn't. I had a few other things to look after first, like another submission to the Canadian Scrapbooker magazine... now I have the bug! LOL! I submitted my "It's a Dad Kind of Thing..." mini book for the summer issue. I have another couple layouts I'd like to submit too, but I'll get those done another day.

Fifteen minutes to the final HERO'S until after Christmas... man, we're so addicted to this show! Monday nights just aren't going to be the same!!! I guess I should go make sure everything is ready for the kids bedtimes before we sit down to watch!


1 comment:

Allyson said...

We are addicted to Heroes too....I was at bingo last night, so Jordan taped it for me...I'm about to go up and watch it though!