Monday, December 11, 2006

Doing the ~*~happy dance~*~ tonight!

Cuz I got me a Cricut... what's that you may ask? Only the coolest, newest electronic die cutter on the market! My husband spoils me!!! I've been playing all night learning how to use it, and it's quite easy actually! Now I hope my Christmas stocking will hold another cartridge or two and I'll really be a happy camper! Oh the things I can do... Too bad it's almost bedtime though! LOL! Oh well, tomorrow's another day!

Willy got home at the ungodly hour of 4am! And being the mean mom that I am, I made him get up and go to school today... he missed three days last week, and thankfully, tomorrow's 6am practice is optional... so we're opting out, but more so because he's got quite a cough and the coach wants the kids who are coughing to rest up a bit and recover. He would rather be there and "play"... I just checked back on the Victoria tournament website and the final scoring results were posted. Willy placed 13th overall out of all the kids at the tournament and had the most points of all the kids on our team... WTG Willy! You're awesome! :o)

I finished my Christmas cards tonight and they're ready to be mailed tomorrow morning. Not quite as early as I usally do them, but at least they'll still arrive before the big day! I still haven't put the beads back on the tree, but then again, I was in town until almost 7:30 tonight. The girls had dance and then we had some groceries to get and some stuff for Devin's class pot luck tomorrow... So it was another running around like crazy day and night, and I'll be so glad when my head hits the pillow tonight!

Work is going to be busy for the next couple of weeks... we just finished up year end and I'm packaging up all the gifts and day planners for the group homes and hospitals in the area. Keeps me busy with everything else I have, but I prefer to be busy than twiddling my thumbs!!!

Blaine told me tonight that he may be hopping on the company jet on Monday next week to fly down to Kamloops for the day looking at some equipment in a mill down there... hmmm... sounds like FUN!

Not too much more to tell... the snow is still melting; it poured rain most of the day today. At this rate, we won't have any snow for Christmas again this year! Man... I hate when that happens!

Okay, off to the tubbie I go... Night!

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