Wednesday, December 20, 2006

My bad....

So sorry for not posting in the last few days! The days before Christmas always seem to go by in such a blur! Last minute shopping, gift wrapping, baking... all to be done and so little time to do it in! I never imagined that working part time would take away so many hours I spent doing other things! C'est la vie!

Lots going on lately... Donovan went to the dentist in Quesnel today. We thought for a pre-op for his braces, but I guess it wasn't because he had two fillings done and I wasn't happy because they put SILVER fillings in and all my kids have the white kind! I guess that tid-bit of info got lost in his file, because when the receptionist checked, all the other kids are noted. So now, he gets to have them out and re-filled on February 14th, when he gets his spacers in. Then on the 21st, it's the big day! BRACES! But not to straighten teeth - his are straight. He has a pretty bad overbite that is causing damage to his lower teeth fronts so they'll correct that. It will be a big adjustment for Mr. Popcorn lover!

Hockey is marching along... as well as the never-ending fundraising! We were supposed to have this weekend off, so I scheduled Dylan for a lacrosse event on Saturday, and then it's decided that the team would be doing one more day of firewood before the holidays... but, we won't be there as I've already paid for lacrosse. We still have TONS of darned tickets to sell... anyone want to buy one or even two???

The girls Christmas concert is tomorrow... that always signals the start of Christmas for me! Nothing like all those kiddies singing their little hearts out to get me in the mood! Then they're going roller skating and have pot lucks on Friday and then school's OUT! Woohoo! The boys are more low key at school in regards to Christmas, but they're glad to have a bit of a break coming up. Kirby wants more snow for boarding, and Dylan wants the temperature to plummet so that the ice rink in the back yard will take and he can skate on in it in the new year!

I won a new cartridge for my Cricut on Ebay last night... $54 CAD in comparison to $99 up here! And that included the shipping and exchange rate! Woohooo! I can't wait to really get in there and play with it. I just haven't had the time yet to fully appreciate all this baby can do! I have visions of layouts dancing in my head... can't wait to get them down on paper soon!

Well, my eyes are crossing... time for bed and bath! Or rather, the other way around I guess! LOL! Night!

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