Sunday, October 15, 2006

Ahhhh.... Sunday!

What a good day! I slept in until almost ten, got up, showered and drove Donovan into work. Stopped and got some groceries on my way home. Came home, made a huge batch of pancakes for the kids, cleaned up and started on the baking. Made some muffins and cookies. Did laundry, washed my sheets and put my electric blanket back on the bed... Now I can't wait to get into bed tonight! I just LOVE fresh smelling sheets! Then, I started to get dinner ready. We had roast beef, gravy, mashed potatoes, carrots and broccoli! Mmm Mmm! I was going to make an apple crisp for dessert but I ran out of steam... Go figure! Oh well, my hips will thank me!

Now, I am going to have my bath before my second best night of TV starts. Amazing Race, Cold Case (I have to change back and forth between CC and Desperate Housewives) and then Without a Trace. Love these shows! It's my night to veg on the couch...

Dakota got a phone call from the drama director... She was auditioning for one of two parts for girls her age, and there were 35 girls trying out. She didn't get the part, but the director wanted her to know that she was in the top five and he had a really hard time deciding... and he wants her to come back and tryout again! She was a tad bit disappointed, but kept her chin up and is very positive about the whole thing... She makes me proud!

Devin has been prancing around in her Devil costume... This girlie is growing up too darned fast! She's gone from my little girl to a beautiful young woman in the blink of an eye...

Donovan got a bonus at work today, for all his hard work for the rodeo over the weekend. He had the second highest dollar totals in concession sales over the three performances. He sure likes what he's doing, and that's always a bonus in the work world.

Dylan and his buddies played street hockey, Xbox hockey and ate all day! Kirby and his buddy biked and ate all day... Never changes! LOL!

Blaine is supposed to be doing the dishes but he's on the phone helping a buddy with some computer stuff... I should just go and get in the tub... I am too tired to clean the kitchen again. ~Go get in the tub~ LOL!

And I had to LOL at this post I saw today on a scrapbooking message board...


Have you?

I dare you to....DOUBLE DARE you!!

In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I suggest we all do a self breast exam.

Go to it ladies!

So there you go, a humorous reminder of an important and often overlooked monthly duty... and since I care about my friends, I'll post it here to for you to read!

I'll leave you with a picture of our pretty city in the fall. It's been so beautiful around here lately, but so dry! We finally had some rain overnight and today, but it looks like it's back to sunshine tomorrow. May your Monday be filled with sunshine, wherever you are!

1 comment:

Teresa (aka tmom) said...

Welcome to the world of blogging Melissa! Looks great. What a gorgeous picture of your town! I will have to keep popping back in here to see what you are up to.