Tuesday, October 17, 2006

There are only two ways to live your life...

One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though everything is a miracle.
-- Albert Einstein

Words to live our lives by... what an amazing quote! And by Blaine's favourite person in the whole wide world.

Last night's hockey meeting went a little too long for me, and I wasn't feeling the greatest... so by the time I got home with Willy at 10pm, all I wanted to do was get into the tub and go to bed. So I did!

Today was the first day at work without our gal who went off on Maternity Leave. We did pretty good I think. I switched my hours for this week so I am going in from 9:15am to 1:15pm because the girls have early dismissal for parent teacher interviews. I had Dakota's interview today, and she is doing great! Other than her french reading issues, which don't seem to be as prevalent this year, her teacher is very pleased with Dakota's effort and enthusiasm in class. We stopped off and talked to her English teacher as well, and she echoed Mme Nancy's comments. Always a great thing to come away from interviews feeling very proud of your kid! Devin's turn is tomorrow... and I'm expecting great things then too!

Hockey season is in full swing. We've got a game tomorrow and Friday here against the Midget B team. Should be a good match up for the boys... except the Midgets will be a little bigger than our guys! We've got fundraising raffle ticket sales already this weekend.

I signed up for a scrapbook class on Saturday night. It's a CD tin/accordian album class and I'm going to do my theme on "FAMILY" for my desk at work. I thought it would be a nice way to decorate it up. I'll post a picture of it when it's done.

I'm looking forward to my Digital Portrait Photography class starting next Wednesday at the University of Northern BC. Here is a picture I took on Thanksgiving of my best friend and her family...

I love how it turned out, and can't wait to learn more tricks of the trade, so to speak, from my class. My instructor's name is Philomena Hughes and her website is beautiful. Her website is at www.phughesphotography.ca Check it out if you have time and you'd like to browse around her website.

We'll, I'm off to watch Friday Night Lights. I still think this show should be on Friday night TV, not Tuesday, but hey, that's only me... Willy and I don't miss this one! Even though it's about football, I love the "team" aspect of the show and the lessons learned spill over to his hockey too. I think it's the only show he will say he actually likes and can't wait to watch.

Have a good night all... sweet dreams!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey I just watched Friday Night Lights too...I tend to watch all sports-related shows! LOL I guess I can relate to them...were all about sports here!