Wednesday, October 11, 2006

I guess I've resisted long enough...

It's time to get with the program so to speak and make myself my own little spot on the world wide web... It seems like everyone has their own blog these days, and even though I've known about them for quite a while, finding the time, or rather, MAKING the time to do one, hasn't really been a priority.

So for those of you finding your way to my spot, Welcome to my World. And boy, it's a busy one! I've got five kids, one darling husband, one dog, two cats and two salt water aquariums at home. I work part time during the week at a medical supply outlet doing billing, and full time "taxi-driver" for the kids many, many activities.

I can't think of anything too outrageously creative to talk about at the moment, or any big news to share, so I should just publish my first comment and be done with it!

So here goes...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha! I am no longer alone...welcome! Now we can keep in touch...'cause obviously we can't use a phone! LOL