Friday, October 20, 2006

Are you freaking kidding me???

$90 to go bowling with the family on a Friday night! Can you believe that? I am still choking on my tongue when I think of it! Guess that's why we don't go out to the bowling alley very often! Oh well, everyone had fun, and it was Blaine's first time 10 pin bowling, but gee whiz, it's expensive! And besides, it was what Willy & his buddy wanted to do for his birthday, so bowling we went... then we went to McDonalds for the kids to have a McFlurry after. No birthday cake this year...

Another crazy busy day around here. I got off work and headed up to the rink where Willy was practicing with the Duchess Park Secondary Junior Hockey team. After practice, Willy & I first headed over the scrapbook store for me to pick out my papers for the class I'm taking there tomorrow night. Then, we headed over the mall to pick up some cold meds from the drugstore and go to the bank. Next we headed over to Superstore to get some groceries to make homemade pizza's for supper. In the meantime, Blaine was busy driving the fold up table and chairs to the hockey team where they were selling our raffle tickets. And then he had to drop Donovan off at work. Then we got home, made pizza, ate and headed back to town for the expensive bowling and waiting for Donovan to get off work.

Now the boys are downstairs playing NHL 2007 on the XBox and the girls are finally in bed. I've had my tubby and will be heading to la la land soon myself... ahh, bliss! I get to sleep in until WHENEVER tomorrow! Yippe skippee!The kids got most of their chores done today, so the rest of the weekend should be fairly low key. Willy has raffle ticket sales tomorrow, and a full day of wood chopping on Sunday. Blaine and the other two boys will be joining the rest of the team as well. Then, Devin, Dakota and I are going to go and scrapbook the afternoon away at Esther's house, and she's invited us all to stay for dinner in exchange for Blaine helping her with her computer... silly girl, we'd have come and helped without the dinner, but Esther cooks great dinners', so we're looking forward to it!

Finished my Neo Citron... ahh! Just like the old days! Reminds me of being a kid for some reason... silly I know! Anyhow, my bed is calling my name... I think I pulled the muscles in my back and neck throwing those damned heavy bowling balls! Go figure! Paying through the nose isn't enough of a pain, gotta add a pain in the neck to it as well! LOL!

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