Friday, October 13, 2006

"It's my life...

... it's now or never, I ain't gonna live forever..." Why, oh why these Bon Jovi lyrics are going through my head tonight, I don't know... just thought I'd share that random tid bit of info! LOL!

Don't I have a have a handsome crew of kidlets? I took this one last week... they cooperate so nicely!

Anyhow, I've been sitting here swearing at the computer trying to figure out an EASY way to work on and edit my blog, but I seem to do everything the hard way. I ~think~ I have it figured out now! Go ME!

I'm waiting for Donovan to call me to go and pick him up from work. He's gotten himself a job at CN Centre working with the food contractor. He had to go and get his Food Safe certificate, and he even gets high school credits for it, which is good. I for one, can not wait until he get's his "N" and can drive his own car back and forth to work, instead of adding another round trip on the poor van.

Willy (this is Dylan's hockey nickname)and his buddy Nate just came in from playing street hockey. Willy has a full day of wood cutting with his hockey team tomorrow. We're expecting a delivery of two full cords of wood from the team sometime tomorrow... we're almost ready for winter, even though you'd never know it from the weather we've been having! It's been a beautiful fall around the Cariboo!

Kirby had been busy playing with his new IPod Nano, but I think he fried it somehow at his buddy's house. I guess we're heading back to the store tomorrow to get a new one. It won't even turn on now... sheesh, electronics these days!

All I can hear are the sounds of girls giggling and the boys laughing at what ever game they're all playing down in the TV room... I sure love that sound! Nothing like having six kids in the house to keep it fun! :o)

Has the phone rang yet???

Let's see...what else is going on this weekend? Dakota has auditions for a christmas play that her drama coach is putting on. Devin has a birthday party to go that is supposed to be a sleepover, but the parents smoke and she's not comfortable staying there, so I am going to get her from the swimming pool instead. Tomorrow night, Willy's other buddy, Marcus, is spending the night and we're going to go and watch Nate's hockey team play 100 Mile House. It should be a good game. Blaine is working days, so I get to do all the driving and running around myself. Donovan works from 4:45 to 11pm tomorrow and all day on Sunday. The Western Canadian Rodeo finals are being held here in PG this weekend, so it's kinda cool to see all that dirt and cattle inside the arena where the PG Cougars are usually skating around on ice at this time of the year!

And hopefully, somewhere in the weekend, I'll have some time to sit down at my scrapbook table and LOOK at all the goodies I have lying around and maybe feel creative and DO SOMETHING! Send some positive SBing vibes would ya?

Hmmm... still no phone call. I thought he was supposed to be done around 9... I want to put on my jammies and read a book. Maybe I'll send Blaine instead! ~evil grin~ Sounds like an idea to me!


Memory Junction said...

Hi Graci and Mern! Glad you stopped by! We love reading about you, now you can read about us too! {{{hugs}}}

Memory Junction said...

No problem Franki... I deleted the extra one for you... Thanks for posting though! Now you need to BLOG so I can know what's going on in your life!