Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Busy, busy two days...

Finally a night at home, well... sorta! Donovan is in town at Air Cadets, so we'll have one more trip into PG tonight to bring him home. I can't wait to hunker down and watch Friday Night Lights and The Unit. I'm bummed that Smith is no longer on CBS and they cancelled it after only three episodes! I was getting into that one! Oh well, one less TV show to watch! ;o) Speaking of new TV shows... have you watched HERO'S yet? OMGosh! We are ~loving~ this show! Even the girls can't wait for Mondays! It's kind of an X-Files meets the comic book hero's... totally cool!

Yesterday, the girls had their Irish Dancing class. I forgot how much I totally love the music. It just makes me ~happy~! Dakota is a bit frustrated because she is in the intermediate class and has never been in dance, but it was that or nothing because there wasn't any beginner classes available. So, she's hanging in there and persevering and learning the steps in double time. I think she's doing a great job so far... and I am happy that Devin's former Quesnel dance mates are making the trip up from Quesnel to join us! Auntie Kelly picks up the girls at the highway for me, and it saves one quick turn around trip for me. Then I had to go in and pick them up and drop Donovan off at work. The Bonnie Raitt concert was last night, but I guess the attendance wasn't very good. Only around 1700... Oh well, he got in a few hours of work anyhow.

Dylan had six AM practice today... thankfully, Blaine was on days, so he dropped him off. Our team manager, Andy and his son Marcus, took Willy out for breakfast after practice and met me at the high school this morning. I got his smelly gear to have in the van all day while I'm at work... phew! I need a better air freshener in my van! It sure is nice to have such wonderful friends around to help out when you need them! :o)

Work today was good! First time I think, I was busy for the full four hours. I really like that! Time goes by much faster and I feel like I've accomplished something. I am really liking my job, and the people who work there. We even have an office dog, Spike, and he's half Jack Russell, so I know all his quirks! LOL!

We got a few new additions to the upstairs saltwater tank today. A new lawnmower blenny and a spiny urchin... he's really cool! They both are algae eaters so hopefully they'll have my tank looking much nicer in the next while... Here is a picture of the urchin... and here is the blenny... The blenny has tons of personality and he leaves "kiss prints" on the glass... Remember those Franki and Kathy??? Tee Hee! Blaine sure does! Ahh... the good old days! Hard to believe we've been together for more than 18 years now!

The joys of hearing the kids cleaning up the kitchen! LOL! It was pasta Tuesday at our house, minus the alfredo sauce, much to Dakota's dismay! She loves it with Parmesan cheese. It's Willy's day in the kitchen, since he has no practice on Tuesday nights. Everyone has a "day" to help in the kitchen, thanks to Nana's wonderful suggestion. So now I only have two of the seven days where I do it, and usually Blaine does one night, so I'm down to one! Woohoo! Loving it!

Twenty minutes until TV time... I've got the Fort Minor song "Remember The Name" song cranked... gotta love it! "This is ten percent luck, twenty percent skill, fifteen percent concentrated power of will, five percent pleasure, fifty percent pain and a hundred percent reason to remember the name!" Can I feel a scrapbook page coming on? It's already in the making! :o)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Busy, busy...I'll say!
I like Nana's idea of having everyone take a turn in the kitchen! I may have to try it...however I don't have as many kids as you so I'd probably get stuck with all the extra days? LOL