Monday, October 30, 2006

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. ~Lao Tzu

How about those words to live by? My life seems to be nothing but hurrying and being run off my feet! Thankfully, I have a great support system to help out in a pinch! I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed with hockey fundraising at the moment. We were supposed to have a weekend off with ticket selling, which in itself isn't a big deal, but now we've got about 25 cords of firewood to be delivered, and prior commitments be damned... okay, just venting! I'm better now!

Nana and Papa left this morning after being here for the weekend. We haven't had a visit since September, so it was nice to have them! Holly and Heidi (Nana's dogs) love my cat Keni, so they had a good time chasing him around. Keni layed a beating on Holly at one point, and Holly can't seem to tell the difference between Keni who likes the dogs and Koska, who doesn't! So McTuff and Holly had their usual dominance squabbles, and Heidi napped with me on Sunday. We had breakfast at Denny's this morning before they left and before I had to go to work. It was nice to have some time to ourselves! :o)

The girls had Irish dance today. Auntie Kelly graciously picked them up and dropped them off... so nice for me as I didn't have to drive into town again today! It is such a blessing to have her in my life! :o)

Everyone is getting ready for Halloween... our pumpkins are carved, the candy is bought and the kids have their costumes ready to go... I think! I know the girls are covered, and the boys can look after themselves! I think they're too old to go out trick or treating, but hey, I did it at their age, so who am I to be talking?

Willy was pretty tired this morning after his hockey weekend. He's in bed early tonight as he's got 6am practice tomorrow... thankfully, Blaine is home to do it! I am so not into driving in at 5am on Tuesday mornings when I still have to go work! Ugh! Donovan and Devin are up to their armpits in homework, Dakota is watching TV with Kirby and Blaine, and I am waiting for Hero's to come on at 9pm. Then for some strange reason, they've moved Friday Night Lights to Monday from Tuesday... so I gotta watch that too...

I got a Circle Journal in the mail today. Mine should be home in the next day or two! Yipee! It's been gone almost a year and a half and I can't wait to have it back all finished and in my hot little hands! I'll post pictures of it done when it arrives. I know, I know, I'm supposed to post pictures of my CD tin too, but it's not finished yet! I'm hoping this week(end)!

There's been lots of babies being born around us lately! The Longs welcomed a precious little girl, Draya, Mike and Kim welcomed Cole Nicholas, and we're waiting to hear from Denise from my work on her new bundle, who is due anytime now! And then next month, our other friends are expecting baby number 8... and it's a boy! We know that much already! I'll be surrounded by that intoxicating baby smell! LOL! Good thing I'll have lots of babies to sniggle! :o) Congrats to all!

Okay, I'm off to change into my jammies and get ready to veg in front of the boob tube! Nighty night!

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