Wednesday, October 25, 2006

I think a photography class should be a requirement in all educational programs because it makes you ~see~ the world rather than just look at it...

Had my first digital portrait photography class tonight. Didn't learn too much yet, but did have a few important things clarified, like really understanding the aperture and shutter speed. A lot of what happens when I photograph things is fluky... it just works. I fumble around guessing, and most times, get a decent proof. I don't want to fumble anymore, I want to be confident in my abilities and know that I ~know~ what I am doing! So, I can't wait for next weeks' class when we actually start playing around and learning! I'm all for that!

It's a very windy night tonight! I think we have gusts up to 70kmph... which, coming from Hinton, really isn't that windy! But after not having lived in the wind for the last four years, I forgot how nerve racking it can be! And I forgot how uncomfortable Willy is with the wind... when he was a little guy, he would come and crawl into bed with us when it got windy (which could be for days on end!) and I miss that! We even had to be conscious of where his room was in the house so it was in the "least" windy spot so he could sleep through the night without fear... gone are those days! But you know, I wouldn't mind a sniggle in our bed on a windy night from my boy... sigh! We had rain/snow falling this morning, but it was all over by about 11am... let's hope it stays away for another month or so!

Blaine came home from work last night with some pretty cool news... One of the guys at his work, has a 1969 Triumph to be restored for sale... it's a two seater and convertible! Can you say "Dream car"??? It runs and has "everything" but needs lots of TLC over the next few years... and what a project for Blaine and the boys to work on! Here's a picture of what we hope it will look like when it's done... candy apple red and all! So we have to arrange for it to be loaded onto a flat deck tow truck this weekend and brought out here to our house! I'm so glad that Blaine has his autobody background, because I think it's going to be such a cool project, and the fact that he can do most of the work himself is going to be awesome! I may even get my hands dirty here and there, and so can the girls! What fun!!!

What else... Dylan had hockey practice tonight, and while he was there, Blaine and a bunch of the other hockey dads went out on wood deliveries. This has turned out to be a great fundraiser for our team... and I think a hard day of work now and again doesn't hurt the boys in the least! I'm contacting Dylan's old hockey team in Hinton to see if they're interested to coming to our tournament in January, or if not then, maybe some exhibition games in Valemount, PG or Hinton. I think it would be so much fun! Hopefully we can work something out!

I filled out some forms at school today for Dakota to be seen by a speech therapist. She is still having a heck of a time with her "r's". The word store and star are indistinguishable... So hopefully, she can be assessed and at the very least, they can give us some work to do at home to help her out... It really bothers her when she's speaking and people don't understand what she's saying. Her teacher this year is so awesome! I can't praise her enough!

Devin had volleyball practice after school today. She can't go on Monday's because it interferes with dance, but one has to make choices and dance rules! LOL!

Blaine is taking the kids to Quesnel tomorrow to the dentist. Why are we still going to Quesnel? Because the kids love Dr. Jawanda! He's such a good dentist and treats our family like we matter... we like that! Donovan will be getting the go ahead for his braces... wow! We'll see how everyone did for cavities this check up! The girls are excited about going to their old school at lunch time and seeing their old friends. The boys usually don't go to the high school because it's so hard to find anyone! It's such a zoo at the HS at lunch time... So, Blaine takes the van and I drive his old yucky truck to work tomorrow... If I can find the darned button to push to start the ignition! It's jimmy-rigged to work... grrr! I hate that truck! It had better be nice to me on the drive!!!

Okay, my book is calling me! I'm on book four of the TEXAS series by Fern Michaels. I've finished her KENTUCKY series about another branch of the same family as well... great reading! Nighty night!!!

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