Friday, October 27, 2006

Winter is nature's way of saying, "Up yours." ~Robert Byrne

Sooo... we woke up to that darned rain/snow again today. I hate when it gets all slushy on the roads and people still like drive like it's nice and dry outside. We had numerous accidents around the PG area today... the highway was closed west of us, the bridge going out east was shut down because someone rolled over when they lost control in the slush. Luckily, we're home safe and sound and we had no issues! Blaine is switching the tires over tomorrow and putting on my studded tires for the van. I feel so much safer when they're on, especially on icy roads.

We got in a new fish and ten snails for the upstairs tank today... An orange spotted sleeper goby: he sifts the sands through his gills to clean it and get the food, and we also got ten pyramid snails.
We're slowly working our way up to getting some soft corals and anemones in the tank, then we'll add a couple of clown fish and then get into the tangs, a blue regal and yellow tang. They're so showy and fun to watch!

Dylan is down in Kelowna for a hockey tournament. They should be arriving anytime now. Great Uncle Terry and Great Aunt Doris are going to go and watch the game tonight... I just wish I was there to visit with them too! Boo Hoo! Dylan will call after the game tonight, so I'll post results then.

Donovan is working at the Cougars game tonight. They're playing the Saskatoon Blades. I'll have to go in and pick him up later.

The rest of us are just veggin' out at home... FINALLY! Mom and Dad are coming up tomorrow so we can go to the UNBC Craft fair on Sunday. Hopefully the roads are good for them and it's not bad of a drive. I guess we'll do some housework tomorrow afternoon and do some laundry.

I should run and make some dinner. Everyone is hovering, which means, they're hungry! LOL! I'll update later tonight!

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