Sunday, December 10, 2006

It's beginning to look (and smell!) a lot like Christmas...

As busy as this time of the year is, and even more so this year with me working, I do love all the hustle and bustle of trimming the tree, baking and wrapping the presents for under the tree... Well, make that trimming the tree ONCE not twice... as I had to do todayGot the tree all up yesterday and had it "perfect" in my eyes last night... I used only white lights this year for the first time, traded in my old blue and silver bulbs and went with a red/gold theme of bulbs and beeds... It was sooo pretty! Good thing I snapped some pictures because it FELL down in the middle of the night! Blaine was up for an overtime shift this morning and just about had a heartattack when he got up for work and found my "perfect" tree lying in a broken heap in the middle of the floor! Thankfully the tree was very thirsty, because the only mess there wasn't was water! Needles, broken bulbs, broken crystal ornanments I've had forever, broken baby's first Christmas ornaments from Donovan's first Christmas... Sigh... good thing for crazy glue! And my last thought before falling asleep was... "Sure hope the cats don't knock over the tree..." Guess I was asking for too much! Oh well, the tree is back to pretty well looking the same as the picture, I just have to re-string the beads tomorrow night.

So I made whipped shortbread, peanut butter kiss cookies, Dave's ginger sparkles, and sugar cookies. I did the sugar cookies first so the kids could decorate while I was doing the rest of the baking. I figure I'll make one more double batch of the whipped shortbread next weekend and that should do us. I also have to make the Skor Bit Bars next weekend, because I couldn't find any sweetened condensed milk in this darned city anywhere! Apparently, everyone else decided to do their baking this weekend too! LOL!

Got my Christmas cards mostly finished tonight. Just have to get the pictures in there, and should have them mailed by Wednesday at the latest...

Great Grandpa Moston will be on his way here via the train on the 22nd. The kids are very excited about having Grandpa come for Christmas. It won't be the same without having my sisters and their families for the holidays, but we'll live. My Dad is working over Christmas too, so they'll be up on the 27th to visit. Mom will have a quiet Christmas at home as Dad is dayshift, I think it will be her first Christmas by herself... :o(

Willy and the team are on their way home from the Island. They caught they 4 o'clock ferry over to T'wassen... they're expecting to be back in PG in the very early morning hours. The boys ended up 6th out of 10... I think they're pretty disappointed, but they'll live. Sometimes a defeat after a winning streak makes them want to work harder to "get it" next time. I think we're done traveling now until Boxing Day when they head down for a tournament in Burnaby.

Busy week ahead... ten more days of school! The countdown is on for the kids! LOL! If this warm weather keeps up, we won't have any snow left for Christmas. Then what are they going to? They're looking forward to skiing, tobagganing and playing outside in the white stuff, not mud! It can stay around -5 in my books and be good... just not -35! My work Christmas staff dinner is Wednesday night... I am looking forward to that. Blaine hasn't really had a chance to meet many of my co-workers, so it will be nice to be in a social setting where he can mingle and get to know the people I yak about at home!

Not much else to tell... going to head for my tubbie! My back hurts from standing all day! See... I really am getting old! LOL!

1 comment:

Esther said...

Hi there, Would love to be in bed right now but have to wait to put the clothes in the dryer so thought I'd check up on you! Your tree does look like it's on a lean but sorry to hear that some of your favorite keep sakes got broken :(! Looks nice there tho!! Victoria was damp and chilly feeling, terrible arena for watching in too, NO bleechers, only standing room over looking the ice! Boys played well, just unlucky with Vernon?? but the other games were well played and close nice competive ones, exciting to watch and FAST moving! Yes, my flight that was "supposed" to be into PG at 7:30 didn't land till after 11pm!
:(, I was soooo looking forward to a good sleep, did alot of visiting in Victoria and was tired. Got home at midnight, then up at 3:20 to pick up Matthew from the bus, altho we scampered around when we got home at 4ish (am) and delivered our Citizen papers and then went to bed and skipped his first class this morning, it was PE so didn't miss much I don't think. Both needed to sleep!! Working at the ski club tomorrow so hope it cools down some or the skiing won't be very nice!! See you soon. Esther