Saturday, October 21, 2006

Be bold! Colour outside the lines...

Ahhh... the joys of scrapbook classes! I took a class at the Scrapbook Zone tonight. It is a CD tin with a mini accordian album inside. I chose a family theme, and did pictures of the kids. Once I had my measurements, I was off doing my own thing. At my table were a couple of ladies who weren't very familiar with scrapbooking at all, and so I ended up helping a lot as the teacher had her hands full with the other table, which consisted of a mom and a couple of teenagers who needed a lot of direction. Sigh, not exactly the best "creative" environment, but I got most of it done, and hope to finish it tomorrow afternoon at Esther's house. I always feel awkward at the classes at the stores here because they all know I used to own a store and teach myself. So you get stuck between a rock and a hard place, because I don't want to make the teacher uncomfortable, but I don't want to be "un-helpful" to my fellow classmates. Tonight reminded me of a time when I took both my sisters to scrapbooking event for "retailers" only and got them in as my "employees"... we had such a hoot that day! Lots of laughing and bossing on their parts and lots of extra cutting for me, but I think we made some great memories that day too...

It's so funny to watch people get upset when their creations aren't exactly like the samples... relax! It's perfect just the way you created it as my mentor Donna Downey would say! Mine looks nothing like the sample, even though I liked the sample. But I want it to be ~my~ creation in the end, not a duplicate of something I did in a class... Once I'm finished, I'll upload a picture to share!

Not much else went on today... Devin and I baked cookies while Willy and Blaine were at raffle ticket sales. Kirby and Donovan hung out around the house... Dakota had a play date with her friend Rebecca in town, and had a good time. The girls and I will head to Esther's tomorrow afternoon sometime and all the boys have a full day of firewood chopping!

We got a couple of new fish for the upstairs fish tank and a few new hermit crabs. So far, everyone looks like they're doing alright in their new environment! It was Saltwater Saturday at Total Pet, so it was 30% off fish etc...

Well, I'm going to go and catch the news before having my tubby. I have no clue what's going on the in world... sometimes though, it's better that way! Night!

1 comment:

Esther said...

Hi Melissa, thank you for helping me yet "again" with all my troubles!!