Thursday, October 19, 2006

Happy Birthday dear Dylan...

Hockey boy has turned into hockey man... hard to believe my baby boy is a big FOURTEEN today... ~sniff, sniff~ Where does the time go? Isn't he handsome with his new haircut??? We had a bit of time between school and practice today to squeeze it in! He had to take his helmet in since it was loose when he tried it on without all that hair! I got a laugh out of that! He's got practice for his high school hockey team tomorrow, then he and a couple of buddies are going to go bowling to celebrate his birthday. The team manager & coach brought Dilly Bars to the rink for his birthday and I supplied Costco brownies since I have no such thing as "time" to bake on a weekday!

The girls had their halloween dance tonight as well. Good old strobe lights and pounding bass music brought back memories! Dakota had a headache when I picked her up, but Devin had a good time. Speaking of the little devil, here she is...

And to keep her balanced, we had Dakota...

So all was well in my world... except I missed the first 20 minutes of Grey's Anatomy driving home from the school dance! Ahh, the things we do for love!

I think I'm starting to get a chest cold... better pop some Cold FX and go to bed! Have a funky Friday all!

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